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RE: Day 333 & 120,760 KIA. 59 Bradley's in Poland.

in Deep Diveslast year

Overlapping Russian air defense systems have been put up and continue to go up in strategic fashion to protect the Kremlin and the heart of Moscow while actually leaving the entire civilian population completely and totally vulnerable. Of course you don't see the same kind of defense is going up in St Petersburg or being placed around other cities to protect the populations. And that would be because Russia really doesn't have to worry about any of that. Ukrainian forces are only attacking valid military targets and objectives while completely bypassing civilian targets because it's not needed. The fact that this next weapons shipment is most likely going to start really throwing back Russian operations with the emphasis on capability maneuverability and technology to put shots on target accurately while Russian forces continue blasting around in the dark. I'll be honest it does make the person who is getting attacked feel better when they can shoot massive amounts of ammunition however in the long term suddenly wasting all that ammunition suddenly becomes a problem and we start seeing the Russian forces having to conserve ammunition as opposed to being able to unleash it.

Suuuuure, the Russians are running out if ammo any day now, any sources to confirm they slowed down and are conserving ammo.. more trust me bro, LOLOLOLOL!