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RE: Day 457, 205,720 KIA spyship being towed!

in Deep Dives11 months ago

Yeah, the Ukrainians will turn the tide in this war of attrition against a force with a population five times as big, till the last Russian. It's not impossible, just completely improbable. What's the difference between this war, and 'total war'?


I didn't say which side.because I don't trust either Russia or Ukraine.
divided into war and total war is determined by brutality.

don't say it can not be much much worse.

there are not yet millions of dead, millions of mobilized, etc.

probably like a split between a light summer rain. Or a violent and heavy rain.

 11 months ago  Reveal Comment
  1. within a year it can be the other way around. each side increases all successes and vice versa. so where is the truth? I do not know it.
  2. well, there is no mass killing, . yet. it's still nothing compared to e.g operation barbarosa
  3. In my opinion, the seriousness of a war is mainly determined by the number of dead. It is divided when relatively few people die or a lot. probably like comparing a campaign of destruction where nothing pays or a gentleman's conflict where some laws are followed, etc. Isn't there a difference between the German occupation and the conquest of, for example, France or Russia?