Another Bill Gates mosquito farm, 30 million mosquitoes loose in Latin America.

in Deep Dives10 months ago

Another Bill Gates mosquito farm, 30 million mosquitoes loose in Latin America.


Bill Gates The technological tycoon invests in a farm in Medellín, its production is not software, it is not cutting-edge technology, or anything similar if it is not mosquitoes 30 million mosquitoes per week and it is not the script of a movie science fiction and it is not something paranoid or conspiracy, it is the reality that we are living.

Why would anyone want to produce mosquitoes on purpose especially in such massive quantities, but is this farm a risk to the population of Medellín in Colombia, there is an ulterior motive behind all this investment and the most intriguing question is what role do these little insects play in the billionaire's plans, how much money Bill Gates is investing to "give us" genetically modified mosquitoes in Latin America and how he is going to recover his investment.

Hearing that 30 million mosquitoes are released generates fear, 30 million mosquitoes sounds like a big disaster, dengue, zika, chikungunya are mosquito-borne diseases that have wreaked havoc in tropical countries, only in the year 2022 Colombia It reported close to 50,000 cases of dengue and more than 5,000 cases of Zika.


Official version: The mosquitoes that are produced on the Gates farm are not ordinary, they are genetically modified mosquitoes, their mission is simple but to mate with the disease-carrying mosquitoes and produce offspring that do not reach adulthood, if you do it correctly and in large numbers. scale you reduce the population of harmful mosquitoes and you can also reduce the transmission of diseases, in Brazil a similar experiment managed to reduce the population of mosquitoes the main transmitter of dengue and zika by an amazing 90%.

In certain areas of Australia where very similar mosquitoes were released there was a significant reduction in disease transmission, is this the ultimate solution for mosquito borne disease control

The climate and geography of Medellín offer optimal and exceptional conditions for the breeding of mosquitoes. Furthermore, Colombia has proven to be fertile ground for research and innovation in the field of health, remember that Gates, through his foundation, has invested thousands of millions of dollars in the fight against diseases such as malaria, polio and HIV, covid and of course the next pandemic.

Are these risks greater than the diseases that these mosquitoes are designed to fight, that is a question and a question that we all ask ourselves, genetically modified mosquitoes can have unforeseen impacts on ecosystems, studies show that these genetically modified mosquitoes do not survive long time in the wild and do not pose any threat to other species, an interesting fact worth mentioning is that these mosquitoes supposedly do not bite.

These so-called infected mosquitoes do not carry diseases, nor are they designed to cause harm to humans, rather they are infected with a bacterium called Wolbachia, this bacterium prevents the mosquito from transmitting viruses such as dengue, zika or chiquinguya to humans.

By releasing these mosquitoes into the environment by releasing these Wolbachia-bearing mosquitoes in specific areas, it is expected that they will breed with local mosquitoes extending this inability to transmit disease.

And if something goes wrong, and if the release of these mosquitoes has unintended consequences; Not to mention that we know the character and who he is associated with, and there may be a background or cover for other hidden plans as has been shown on other occasions.
