Communism, Underdevelopment, the plan for South America

in Deep Diveslast year (edited)

Communism, Underdevelopment, the plan for South America


There is a false perception that Venezuela is democratizing, for this the Joe Biden administration together with the international community have begun a maneuver to legitimize Maduro's tyranny, dismantling sanctions, negotiating with the regime, freeing the drug-trafficking nephews of Nicolás Maduro among other actions.

Today, supposedly, the new negotiations that have been carried out in Mexico do so with the intention of achieving supposedly free elections in Venezuela; In Venezuela, for those who are unaware, for more than a decade we have a completely false opposition, it is an opposition that has always played in favor of Chavismo, an opposition that shares ideological positions with Chavismo.

Enrique Capriles in 2012, the presidential candidate who first faced Chávez and then Maduro, claimed to be a great admirer of Lula Silva was one of the main ideological associates of Hugo Chávez, in 2013 when Capriles allegedly defeated Maduro and they realize those denunciations of fraud Capriles decided that people should not go out into the streets because Lula recommended it to him, he told him that he still had political capital and that he could try it later, Venezuela lost its first opportunity there.


In 2014, the first strong protests against Chavismo took place. In these protests, more than 43 Venezuelans were assassinated by Chavismo's security forces, and when blood overflowed the streets and Venezuelans demanded change, the false opponents negotiated with the tyranny of Maduro, this once again gave them oxygen to continue perpetuating their tyrannical regime.

As the years passed, we reached 2017, they made other large protests in the country, in these protests more than 150 Venezuelans were assassinated by state forces, all this led to millions continuing to take to the streets because they obviously wanted to get rid of that tyrannical regime, when Chavismo was already on a tightrope, when we all thought that the regime was coming to an end, the usual politicians from the traditional democratic action parties, etc. came out to say that we had to participate in elections for Governor against the regime of Maduro, that is, look at this dissociation, you are facing a tyrannical regime that is murdering you, that is murdering Venezuelans in the streets, you say that there is no justice, that there is no democracy, but at the same time you ask to go vote against that regime.

Obviously what happened was that the Venezuelans became demotivated once again and Chavismo continued in power, two more years passed and we arrived at 2019 and it was Juan Guaidó's opportunity, Juan Guaidó is also a member of another socialist party called the popular will, Due to how the National Assembly was organized at that time, Juan Guaidó was in charge of the presidency and since there was a presidential vacuum due to the fact that Maduro considered himself an illegitimate president, Guaidó assumed the position of president of the national assembly and, in turn, interim president.

Souce Here the chevron representative shakes hands with a criminal who has a reward of $5 million in the USA.

Guaidó received the support of more than 50 countries and when we all thought that he was going to use that international support to end the tyranny, what he did was negotiate with it over and over and over again, and what the collaborators of the Maduro regime did It was trying to brand the people who criticized these initiatives as supposed agents of Chavismo or who sought to divide the supposed opposition among thousands of other things.

Endless protests and murders of the regime have been totally ignored by the official opposition in Venezuela, which have passed over and over again and have mocked the corpses and the blood shed by Venezuelans, today that supposed position those supposed leaders who are negotiating with Maduro, they do not really represent Venezuelans, they do not represent any ideal of freedom and their interest is not related to democracy, they are simply there receiving gifts from the Maduro regime and looking for how to legitimize that tyranny to that they continue to benefit each other by receiving user contracts, receiving money from international organizations and playing for coexistence between Chavismo in the position in which both benefit.

Chavismo has all the power from there they can operate their drug trafficking operations, among other things their terrorist alliances with regimes such as Iran, with China, etc., and the opposition because having this agreement with Chavismo there is no type of justice in Venezuela that persecute them, they can profit in any way, they receive gifts from the international community, they also receive gifts from Chavismo and there is simply no law and everyone profits from the suffering of Venezuelans.

Today, when Joe Biden and the international community try to legitimize Maduro's tyranny by calling elections, all he is really doing is continuing to perpetuate a tyrannical regime that has expelled more than seven million Venezuelans.