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RE: Metz fire of 1908 - natural disasters and extreme weather and its casualties in years past

in Deep Dives2 years ago

They have. This is the message I am trying to communicate here (and I know it is very brief - hopefully I will one day find the time to write on the subject in more detail).

The point is - and stats back it up - that we lose the lowest percentage of the population to natural disasters in the recorded history. That is especially true in high-tech nations but that is also true across the board, globally. Contrary to the doom-and-gloom statements by the likes of Greta Thunberg fewer people than every die in forest fires and floods, indeed, so much so, that, for example, hundreds and rarely thousands of people die in the famous floods in India every year, as opposed to hundreds of thousands as recently as the 1950's. And hat is just one example - out of the many.