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Now imagine if people were willing to give up their essential CIVIL LIBERTIES in order to remove KNOWN CARCINOGENS AND CONTRIBUTORS TO CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE from their restaurants and supermarkets.

Hold, hold, on thereaminute.

You are asking us to close down McDs.
Banning outright most of the center isles of grocery stores.

What?!! Do you want people to go back to drinking water? Plain, ordinary water?
No bubbles, no flavor, no sugar?

Those corporations paid a lot of good money to the FDA to get those products into those stores.
We can't just remove them.

Think about peole's freedom to cause their own bodily harm!

But really, smokers, knowing it is bad, still continue smoking.
Fat people still eat some of the worst diets ever.
(most obese people do not eat enough real food. Like, one round lady i knew, her entire "real" food intake was one corn dog a day, and i am pushing it calling that real food)

There actually seems a concerted effort to get people to eat poorly. To do drugs and alcohol.
And most of the regulations to help the environment are so one sided, or viewed from only one lens.

The paint allowed in Commifornia is better for the air, but not better for the user, or the ground, or the ground-water, and not better for the object being painted.
