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RE: “Everybody Happy Now” Bioethicist Suggests Drugging Population Into Compliance As Alternative To Vaccines

It is interesting the way the mind thinks.

If you are sure that the Wuhan-flu is deadly and dangerous, then it is, of course, logical that you would think of ways to enforce the vaccine, or social distancing, or mask wearing.

That people should have free will, the right to choose for themselves never arises.

All that matters is your fear, and you can lower your fear by enforcing your view on others.
So, call the police, tell them that your neighbors are gathering and not wearing masks.

Or, just go right for the heart of the matter and drug them into compliance.


Right! Fear, the ultimate driver for control.

The NWO is all about fear. They live off of It. It is their own fear that motivates them, drives them.

It is this fear driven thirst for control that will be their demise one day.