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RE: "Advertisers, Go Kill Yourself" ... Did Advertising Ruin The World?

The thing is, at a certain point, advertising stopped being about how good this product is, to how it will make you feel.

And so, EVERY advertisement on TV today is fucking with your emotions. EVERY time.
Making you feel less than.
Making you feel incomplete.
Making you feel like you are missing out.
Making you feel NOT happy

So, advertisement has literally sucked the JOY out of life.
And these people, if they knew what they are doing, and had any empathy, would kill themselves.

Further, most of these advertisements are for things that advertising doesn't help.
Like Coca-Pepsi. Do these advertisements change which you drink?
Do they cause you to drink more? Many people drink HFC bubbly all the time, they couldn't drink any more.

So the corporation is literally taking your money (at the point of sales) to make you feel miserable.


agreed! wow!

Bill was right basically.. what a legand