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RE: Are things getting better? More people are becoming aware but is it getting better?

in Deep Dives11 months ago

Let us take Hitlery...

A good portion of 100 people have committed suicide around her. Even if she is just "adjacent" to all these deaths, that is highly unusual, and she should be kept away from society for safety sake.

Now, lets say that we could accurately know these things:

Hitlery has personally caused the death of 100 children, basically torturing them to death for adrenochrome.

What do you do about this? What is justice?

Hitlery has helped facilitate the trafficking of 1000 children that would mostly end up dead for adrenochrome manufacture.

What do you do about this? Can we even conceive of justice? Burning at the stake? Drawn and quartered? Resurrection and killed again?

Hitlery has started wars, overthrown govern-cements, ordered people to be killed, for reasons to move along the agenda of the WEF.

Do we put all these narcissists into a large prison to never be let out?
They will never repent. They will never be sorry.
They will never learn their lesson.

But will we?
When someone gaslights us and breaks the law without getting punished...


I am not a fan of prison except for crimes that a short time is compensation and deterant. For PROVEN extreme crimes I don't see making society pay for that person for the rest of their life, allowing them to communicate with and influence society outside of prison, and leaving the opportunity for a crony of theirs to get power and pardon them as a good thing. I am therefore for the death penalty. Not a long drawn out death penalty. A quick one. Yet I do think the PROOF required for such a penalty should be beyond question.