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RE: RIP Samourai Wallet - "Conspiracy against the United States to Commit Money Laundering"

in Deep Dives2 months ago

This lawsuit could be the best of things for the populous. But damn, this looks like a group of govern-cement thugs who have no clue about the real world.

Bitcoin is money. There will be people who will pay whatever legal fees to have this be so.

If bitcoin is money? Hurray! If bitcoin is not, the thugs just overstepped their bounds hugely. Case dismissed.

And the trial should just be thrown out. Because after the impossible task of declaring bitcoin as money, then they have to prove that bitcoin was moved. Its on the block-chain. The block chain is inviolable. Nothing has moved.

Then they have to prove that these people were actually moving bitcoin. Which they weren't. They just had an interface that made it the underlying smart contract easier.

Then they have to prove that criminals used this to move "money". I really want to see that. Because doing so will show that the Federal Endtable of intimidation or the Cocain Import Agency set this up.

And all this has to be done in discovery before the actual trial starts.
The gov't goons have an impossible case.

So, are the good guys working this to make bitcoin money?
Or did the goons think that Samourai Wallet had some bitcoin they could steal?

Will the judge be so dense that the trial is just a kangaroo court?


fuck around and find out

WOW what a reply ! What a brain of yours !