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RE: I live under one of the most repressive Covid regimes in the world

in Deep Dives2 years ago

My heart is on the floor reading your story. It's clear that the people or zombies in charge of "health" at the hospitals, are stark raving mad. I am so sorry that you and your family had to go through this absolute evil heartless treatment.

Bonny Henry is no different from the rest of the cartel. They are under the regime that has orchestrated this evil plan for a long time. They have sworn an oath that they have to abide by. Well they don't have to but they are evil themselves and don't want to suffer the consequences.

Here in Quebec we still have the mandates. I am still not allowed to go to a restaurant not that I need to but not having an option is pure evil. Even if they drop them it's just temporary. They will have their next lock step plan for agenda 2030. I see many cult followers still driving in cars alone. They just talk about Ukraine and how awful it is.

My prediction is that because of the soft spot everyone has for the Ukrainians, and letting them in unjabbed in thousands, the government will say that they brought the new strain and lock down again. People will comply because if they don't, they will be guilty of caring for them in the first place. So on and so forth. This Ukraine Russia thing is all tied in and eventually for certain people, they will be able to connect the dots. It's a multi purposed "war". Hopefully people will have the strength to turn off the television. I haven't owned one in two decades.

Sorry for saying so much. I know it's super tough for you all but thank god your kids are in the care of sensible people like you and your wife. They will be special and the future needs people like them. Congrats on your new baby!