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RE: Cablegate: Regime Change American Style -- DD20

in Deep Dives3 years ago

In 2009 Qaddafi was elected president of the Pan-African Congress, a position through which his vision for an independent Africa could be realized . . .

He was well on his way and Africa would be a much different place today.

We know who did the dirty work, but besides the banking cabal, who really benefitted most? Hint: a big country with the world's largest population that now completely controls (behind the scenes, in practice) several African nations, a myriad of organizations, along with outright ownership of countless raw material related concerns, etc., etc.

The dupes (often called "useful idiots") did the dirty work (paid for it too) and look who's 'reaping the rewards'! Never before in history has one group of people got another group of people to invade a 3rd group of people on their behalf. Now, that's some serious outsourcing!


Absolutely! Bill Clinton sold the Dem party to the Chicoms lock, stock, and barrel. Now that they have their agent in the White House we're really screwed.