
The situation in India is not good either - but interestingly no one is talking about lock downs any more. Feels like, the govt wants the herd immunity built. Based on what I hear locally , facts are now hidden and numbers are shown as favorable, but reality is something else. I am worried, things may go even worst from here.


I agree here, even I myself is going through something else, that could become more serious.

Hope you're feeling okay.



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Ya, now I am trying to make myself stronger mentally and will push for more life style changes. At least, I should do what I can, till the situation gets better.

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The Great Reset is in play. Crush the economy, outlaw private property as much as possible, and then get everyone on the government dole.

It is very obvious when you step back.

Notice how the number of deaths attributed to influenza have dropped a great deal.

Imagine that.

As a country we were controlled the situation by early measures. But then politicians involved & totally destructed the control that health / nation guard workers implemented. Now again area wise curfews are imposing. The fear spread & 8000 people were infected. But death rate is at 16. Death percentage is at 0.2%. I think people die by daily accidents are higher than this rate.
Anyway until the right vaccine found, we could see this drama everywhere in the world.


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Absolutely correct. As with everything in life, perspective is key!



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Dear @cryptographic

I hope you won't get upset because I disagree with you. I will try to be as polite and mature with my comment.

Personally, I've been amazed and shocked to witness how most people in europe and US are not treating this threat seriously.

The problem is that their premise is based on only half the data, which is to say that if you recognized that the rise in ‘cases’ is directly related to the increased number of tests being conducted, then the increase wouldn’t be so worrying after all, would it.

According to you, the reason why there is more positive cases is because there is more tests happening. Which is true.

However, the reason why there is more tests happening is -> because there is more people who do need that test. It's simple as that.
Tests are not cheap. Please, try yourself to go through this process. You will quickly realize, that hardly anyone out there will pay for it just to test himself/herself.
Those who are tested - those are people who are willing to spent money because they have real reason to do so.

I've been living 11 years in various Asian countries and I can see how those countries populations comply with their goverments and most of them dealt with this issue in proper manner. In europe and US -> we (people) are to blame for amount of deaths and all suffering.

Personally (and also via steemit/hive) I know several people who went through it. Some of my friends lost their family members. Most of those who got tested positive described "going through" as a very painful and stresful experience.

To wrap it up:
Misinformation surrounding us is only increasing. And regardless how much of what we're being told is true or lie -> it is our life (our health and perhaps our families heath too) which we shall protect. Better be safe than sorry.

Yours, Piotr

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