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RE: Warnings from the past. Be careful how you think about Electric Vehicles (EVs).

in Deep Diveslast year

Cost can be in more than money. If it is actually more destructive to the environment to produce that removes the "Saving the planet" advantage. If it cannot travel as far and is very inconvenient to charge? That removes another. If it can't actually haul loads far at all for vehicles you purchased for that purpose then that is another failure.

From what I can see all of these problems are tied to the battery tech. It is also not remotely renewable. We have renewables we can use in some internal combustion engines, but the things required by these batteries are far from renewable.


Still, I can't buy something I can't afford.

Yep. If the price of electricity keeps going up too due to their policies then if you can buy one you still might not be able to afford to drive it. 😜