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RE: Why do I comment? What is the compulsion?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

It is not the result of decades of capitalist system. PUT THAT IN YOUR MIND FOR A MOMENT. There is a fault but it is not capitalism. You are blaming the wrong target.

The problem is GOVERNMENT. It is called cronyism. When someone in government can give favors to someone they like often in exchange for benefit, and they can block others to make sure their allies remain powerful THAT is the problem.

That happens in socialism, communism, Marxism, etc. It is actually far easier in those cases because those things monopolize all power into the hands of the government.

The blame on capitalism is misdirection. It is blaming the wrong culprit.

The true problem is government favoritism corrupting pretty much any system through cronyism which is a negative result of human nature.

The Free Market technically is capitalism. Yet it only is free until the moment government begins this favor and blocking maneuever.

While we point at the 1% we can also look at the fact that even the homeless people on our streets have more than the lower class in the past. We are acting VERY entitled yet kings a century ago would be jealous of most of the population today.

That was made possible by capitalism. Allowing people to strive to create new things, improve systems, innovate, etc. with understanding they will be rewarded for their efforts.

Marxism is a con. It is a lie. It's only trick is to play with your emotions. To point out struggling people and rather than actually finding out how to help those people they look for someone to blame and then they aim people at those people.

Are there corrupt people controlling the world? Definitely.

The majority of them at this point would love the world to become Marxist / Communist based because they know THEY would get to be the "Central Planners" and they will have more power than Capitalism gives them.

It does not work. It is always a lie.

People point at hippy communes and say "Yes, it works see". Yet that is always a very small set of people with a very small set of needs. It is easy to central plan for just that circumstance. It falls apart rapidly as it scales up.