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RE: The Algorithm did it... The Code is Law.

in Deep Dives3 years ago

I will offer you an apology on one front. I realize I am being rather harsh. I can tell you I don't enjoy it.

I am just done tip toeing. Things get worse when we try too hard not to offend, to be soft, etc.

I know it sucks. It does for me too.

I can tell you I wouldn't bother at all if I didn't care.

I don't like trolls. I consider it a waste of my time.

If I didn't think it was worth it I wouldn't talk to you the way I am.

I do not think I am superior to you. I don't think I am more intelligent than you. I am simply different than you. This is a good thing. It'd be a very bad thing if you were ME.

Be you. I also can tell you have a strong mind.

I pointed out that habit because I care. I have my share of problems. I have to watch them. I am sure I have other problems I haven't even noticed.

I am not trying to be egotistical. I am not trying to be condescending.

I simply know of no way to tell you what I am trying to tell you that can avoid appearing as some of those things.

Could I be wrong about what I am thinking? Absolutely.

Am I making some assumptions? Of course. All of us do. Life is largely based upon probabilities and how we judge them and make decisions.

Can an assumption make an Ass out of U and ME... yes. Yet that is a nice platitude. Platitudes are not always correct. They are just fun to say and make people think.