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RE: I live under one of the most repressive Covid regimes in the world

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

Personally, I don't want a parallel society, because parallel means "going in exactly the same direction, but off to one side". We want to go in a better direction, and do things better than the elites do them. Parallel would mean replicating our current failure. I think decentralization is the way forward. A decentralized society with voluntary interactions.

You're onto something, think about it. Once truly decentralized, and powered by crypto, the sky is the limit. You'll be able to do things better than the so called elite!
But it has to be parallel, it has to stem from our non compliance. That's how we're going to look attractive, and by this I mean inviting more people to join in.

Wow the fact that you still delivered 2 babies (I mean, not you haha), is a true miracle especially because of your wife's situation. You guys are trooper and have my respect! I am sure you'll be amazing parents!

I remember how shitless scared I was the day of the delivery, I can imagine it's 10000 times worse in a "surgical" environment, kudo to your wife for staying strong!

I realized I suck at plenty of things in my teachings, not perfect at all, and I am making flawed individuals for that matter haha. But the way I see it, it can't be worse that what any gov is cooking for our kids!

Nice to chat with ya, I'll be on the look out!


You too!
So how did it go at home? It must be nice to be able to control your own environment while it's going on. And be close to your own things should you need them.
To be honest I love crypto but I'm having increasing trouble being it practically. See, I don't believe crypto should involve governments, big banks, corporations, or anything that destroys your privacy (like smart devices). If it can't be done privately and decentralized, it's not really crypto, it's just another digital currency like the banks are offering now. I want real crypto, not fake bank crypto. I'll never use a smart device, and I don't have a bank account. Suddenly, crypto isn't very easy at all. Have you tried, without those things? As the years go by, I worry more and more that my crypto savings are becoming worthless to me because I'll have no way of spending them. For example, I need some cash for preps (food storage, equipment, maybe a little silver bullion)... I have a pile of HIVE just sitting there, as you may notice. Now I have to figure out how to get it into a form I can spend, since nobody takes HIVE. Pretty sure I can convert to BTC in a private wallet (like Atomic) via Blocktrades and a free account, if I do so slowly (1500 per day max). After that, not entirely sure how I'll spend it (or turn it to cash). But BTC is easier than HIVE, so that's probably the way I'll do it. I assume I can find someone locally to convert between cash and BTC, perhaps through the freedom community, although without a smart device it's a little less convenient. But that's probably how it'll have to go.
The other factor is HIVE price. I've put 5 years of full-time effort (and 0.2 BTC originally) into the 18000 HIVE currently stacked up. I'd rather not sell it all off cheap for a few grand, if you know what I mean. Hoping to see a move up (like the one to $3 in November) at some point soonish.
Thanks for listening :D