
I'm not sure if you're up for a healthy debate (let me know if you're not) but... let me revert this statement:

There are no elements of nazism in Russia. Nazism is an ideology with clearly defined banking, economic and racial laws. The existence of a handful of wannabe cyber nazis doesn't change that fact. If anything, Russians are governed by a communist regime.

Like this:
**There are no elements of communism in Russia. Communism is an ideology with clearly defined banking, economic and racial laws. The existence of a handful of wannabe cyber communists doesn't change that fact. If anything, Russians are governed by a Nazi regime.

And it still fits. How so? Because (communism)[] entails collective property (a clearly defined economic law). And Russia is? A free market capitalist economy, with private property.

"If you're up for a healthy debate," I'm for a healthy debate, but I'm not into debating with people who insist on calling Jewish people (such as Putin) "nazis." I'm also not into calling black white, and white black. Calling Russians "nazis" even though they don't have any nazi-like law (but are the most diverse part of the world) is silly. There is a literal communist party in Rada (Parliament), calling for the resurrection of the USSR. They have Putin's approval, too.

Concerning communism, our industry has never been collectivized. It was owned by the elite, just as it is today. In the USSR, people could have traded with foreigners as they do in modern Russia. We've also owned our homes and farms. Russia inherited its constitution from the USSR. Most laws have remained unchanged to this day.

Russia adopted laws prohibiting any form of nationalism and/or glorification of nazi doctrine. Calling white people "superior" or calling for racial segregation would get you imprisoned in Russia.

The bottom line is that not everyone we disagree with is a nazi.

If you're from Ukraine as you stated then I don't see the reason why you insist on calling Russian nazis while their Armed Forces are waving flags of the USSR. Besides, it's hypocritical. Article 16. of our Constitution says it's the duty of politicians to preserve our gene pool. There are thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, wearing German WW2 patches and taking photos with nazi flags, but you don't call them "Nazis", despite having overwhelming evidence that they're actually wannabe-nazis. Anyways, I'm done with this. ✋🏻