BREAKING: A Breath Of Fresh Air As The Nigerian Port Harcourt Refinery Set to start operation by July 2024

in Deep Diveslast month

Hi guys, it’s good to have a feel of some fresh air in our country Nigeria. Its been more like a dead zone ever since the invasion of the pandemic. Life became more unbearable immediately after the transition of the previouse leaders to the new, that is from president Muhammad buhari, to president Bolar Amed Tinibu. I can tell you for free that so many have died not as a result of the pandemic but because of hunger and difficulty as a result of economic challenges.

Just like a joke fuel price drastically climbed up from 300 (naira) per litter to the now 890 (naira) per litters, live became so difficult with the average man, while the Government kept making promise that something will soon be done, though we never knew how long it will take but it was hard to believe because over time, we have been failed but this for me will be a rising of a new Nigeria.
Nigeria had many refineries operational at inception but all grounded, the Port Harcourt refinery is Nigeria’s oldest refinery, it was built in 1965, this was about nine years after the discovery of oil was found within the marshy soil and creeks of the delta, now known as the Niger delta region where the Niger River retires into the Gulf of Guinea.

It is indeed a testimony that theThe port Harcourt refinery will finally resume operations in july, Informations gathered from the (MD) of the (NNPCL), the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) by name, Mele Kyari, In his statement, explained that mechanical works have been so far completed on the facility and have begun receiving over 450,000 barrels of crude delivered from active lines.

Meanwhile, the Senate has dismissed an alleged report of fraud in the turnaround maintenance (TAM) of the nation’s refineries being undertaken by the NNPCL.
The move comes about three years after approval of $1.5bn (1.2 billion euros) fund for the repair of the Port Harcourt refinery, one of the biggest oil refineries in the country.
Despite being Africa’s number one oil producer, Nigeria has relied on imports of petroleum products due to a lack of domestic refining capacity. sources

I want to say that this is one of the most exciting news we have received in recent times, It has been announce that the rehabilitation of productivity refinery will commence in three phases,

The first phase iwas to be completed in 18 months, which was designed to take the refinery to a production of 90 per cent of its nameplate capacity, He added that the second phase will be completed in 24 months, and the last in 44 months.

This refinery will produce about 210,000-barrel-per-day, the said Port-Harcourt refinery will finally commence operations by the end of July, and this is after several postponements.
This new date was made known on Monday by the National Public Relations Officer, Independent Marketers Association of Nigeria, Chief Ukadike Chinedu, which is said to actively stimulate the economic activities and as well reduce the high cost price of petroleum products and as well enhance adequate supply.

Last year precisely in December, we were told by the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Heineken Lokpobiri, who announced that the mechanical completion and flare start-off of the biggest crude refinery in nigeria.
The refineries has two units, the old and the new plant, the old plant has the refined capacity of 60,000 barrels per day while the new plant has 150,000 barrels per day.

The refinery shut down in March 2019 for the first phase of repair works after the government secured the service of a technical adviser of Itay’s Maire Tecnimont to handle the reviews of the refinery complex, with oil major Eni appointed technical adviser. On March 15, 2024, it was reported that the Group Chief Executive Officer of NNPC Limited, Mele Kyari, stated that the Port Harcourt refinery would commence operations in about two weeks.The NNPC boss disclosed this during a press briefing after he appeared before the Senate Ad hoc committee investigating the various turnaround maintenance projects of the country’s refineries. sources

Again he has said to reaffirm his words that the mechanical completion of the refinery was December last year, now as we speak, we have crude oil already stocked in the refinery. the regulatory compliance tests is ongoing, this is how it should be, we are now assured that operations will start as soon as possible, I know we have been disappointed before but we are keeping our fingers cross on this one.
This assurance was made known in an exclusive interview on Monday, were the IPMAN official related with news men that the work done represented a complete turnaround and not just what we would call rehabilitation, he emphasized all effort would be deployed to meet the July deadline.

You can get more information on this check here, Thanks so much for your time, i greatly appreciate @resonator for the great support to the community. Thanks, stay bless.