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RE: Covid-Con

in Deep Dives3 years ago


Yes, it is, in the sense for what facts are being used for. Facts never stand alone. They are taken up to do or explain something with them.

Let's say, you count 1000 people who showed up to demonstrate on the street. That is a fact. Now, what happens?
People put that into a context, they use it contextual in reference to their thoughts.

Some say, "1000 - Wow, that's a huge number!"
Others say: "1000 - Not many people showed up."
And others say: "1000 - In relation to what the demo was about, the number of people is weak."

If you'd left out to use that number for a context, the number would just stand there alone without any significance whatsoever. It remains meaningless, unless someone picks it up and puts it into a (his/hers/their) context.


Raw data comprises FACT.

You correctly point out that raw data is, in and of itself, emotionally meaningless.

Great! I think this contains a very important insight.

I see you using it oftentimes in comments. When I have not had this insight on my own - or forgot that I had it - it's confusing up to confrontative, ... it depends.