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RE: Covid-Con

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Let's say, you count 1000 people who showed up to demonstrate on the street.

This sentence already contains a subjective part, which can't be told to be a certain (but uncertain) fact. That is "who showed up to demonstrate". Did all the 1000 people appear to "demonstrate"? Did some of them just join the crowd for fun? If asked from an interviewer "Why are you here?", the answer could be "by coincidence, I happened to do my shopping here."


Black Sheep

An engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician were on a train heading north, and had just crossed the border into Scotland.

  • The engineer looked out of the window and said "Look! Scottish sheep are black!"
  • The physicist said, "No, no. Some Scottish sheep are black."
  • The mathematician looked irritated. "There is at least one field, containing at least one sheep, of which at least one side is black."

HaHa! Yes, that hits the spot! Tell me what you define as something and I'll find out who you are.

I have the hardest time with the mathematician. He seems to me to be someone who would walk around every sheep once to check the definition. LOL although one may also assume that he wears the greatest mischief on his neck. According to my mood.

Thanks for it!

At some point you'd think they'd figure out that sheep that are solid black on only one side are exceptionally rare.

There were 1000 people on this particular street at this particular time is a FACT that can be verified with a photograph.

The INTERPRETATION "to demonstrate" is added on top of the FACT.

the photograph remains meaningless unless I know where was it made, when was it made, by whom was it made, where was it published etc. etc. - we agreed on that.

Good point.

The photograph, or video, at face value, can be misleading.

I'm reminded of a statistic.

LA cops who wear body cams receive 90% fewer complaints about police misconduct.

My INTERPRETATION: LA cops who wear recording devices are much more likely to follow procedure.



What is important is what the people who are in such a situation believe, what others believe, whether this makes the truth of the recorded situation greater, less or the same compared to a non-recorded situation. Those police officers certainly feel more controlled when they would rather remain unobserved. Perhaps those police officers who do not object to this form of recording feel supported. Perhaps it motivates one to behave more authentically, the other to act more artificially. Depending on whether he forgets that he is wearing a body camera or is always aware of it.

On the side of the citizen, it is probably similar. If he thinks that his complaint would be supported by the video evidence, he will file it. If he has strong doubts, he won't.

It seems like a net positive, regardless of your preferred spin.

That how it looks.
Depends, if I trust statistics ;-)
Do you know the book "Freakonomics"? Very interesting, they talk about statistics.

they also have a radio program and probably a podcast

Photograph, video, painting, or drawing,