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RE: I'm not adapting to the Brave New World. Neither should you.

in Deep Dives10 months ago

Refreshingly unpretentious, as you write. I don't feel any particular sensation. That's good. Goal achieved :)
Academia is a discontinued model, ... it seems. You never know, but some fight back while others let themselves be absorbed.
The degree to which the individual feels called upon to change his lifestyle, yes, it is very high, also according to my perception. The "poor individual", he demands so much of himself and yet it won't save the world if I stop going on holiday. The best way to save the world is not to want to save it.



Maybe. Telling some poor fucker who just wants to lounge on the Spanish coast in the sun for a week to stay home and save the world (a) triggers this insane, unfair guilt response, but also (b) gives him the illusion of being somehow in charge. Imagine that. I, Joe Schmuck, can actually save the entire planet. Well, I must be someone of value then, right?
It's quite clearly manipulative, and I'm not a fan of anything vaguely leaning towards manipulation. Thank you for stopping by! :)

HaHa! World saving fantasies is quite en vogue, it maybe always was. Young people are particularly prone towards saving fantasies, how can they not, as all what they experience until they are ready for the job market is school life. There, you don't learn life but theorize about it. It's no wonder manipulation can take such a high degree and on top to consume media en masse, which functions through sensational "news" big time.

Joe Schmuck

:D HaHa!!