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RE: The Fantastic Human Capacity for Transformation.

in Deep Dives10 months ago

Throughout life I learned that there are no safe spaces. If you are against the odds, safety is not something one can demand. Otherwise you would be with the odds.

If I put safety above all my other needs, I would never have been against the odds, so I would not have taken a risk. The risk is the uncertain outcome. But if I want to see the outcome determined beforehand, I reject uncertainty (always also having the potential of positive outcome).

I compare this with activities, where I went to certain places that could have been described as unsafe or put myself in unsafe situations that could well have gone wrong (that is the thrill, after all). I cannot expect my fellow world to spare me this risk; on the contrary, it is better that I accept the danger as part of human experience. One who lives too long with the illusion that safe places are being created for one personally wakes up all the harder when this illusion is suddenly shattered. It inflicts a narcissistic mortification. Speaking of experience here :D