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RE: I'm not adapting to the Brave New World. Neither should you.

in Deep Dives11 months ago

He is a great writer and a great person too. I'm so lucky to have met so many kind, intelligent people (present company included). I think for us to save ourselves we need to decouple from the meglomaniacs who wish to Lord over us, that's what decentralization is all about. It's human nature to fear change but if it's embraced we can harness and direct it to help us instead of harm us. Therein will lie the battle.


<3 Likewise.

It really seems unreal, doesn't it? That even under all this duress, there are all these good, valiant efforts (like decentralization). Probably why the only time you ever hear anything about it, it's either downgraded (decentralization seems to equate with crypto in the popular acceptance, and so, with get-rich-quick schemes), or rejected as fringe, dangerous, or tinfoil.

Thank you!

It's a testament to the human spirit. Each and everyone one of the old models are becoming outdated and withering our economy, especially. The pandemic has taught me to look hard at anything labeled as a "conspiracy". This was the establishment's blanket response to anything that didn't fit their narrative and they got away with it for a very long time.