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RE: Holocene Extinction (repost)

in Deep Dives2 years ago

You missed the Quantenary extinction event. which happened about twenty thousand years ago. Every large animal in the western hemisphere died out, and no one knows why.

I disagree completely with your asscessment of the so called sixth extinction which is happening at present. Hardly a day goes by that another 'previously unknown' species is not discovered.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I think that it's irrelevant myself. Just like you. I'm supremely unimpressed whether or not the snail darter or the spotted owl survives or dies. I imagine the majority of people don't care either. If they did why do they live in cites, about as far from 'nature' as it's possible to be?

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

You talking to me?
Well HELL YEAH (some) people are unnatural. Go to Los Angles, San Francisco, Seattle, New York and lookit some of the fine specimens with piercings, tattoos, weird colored hair and other stuff and tell me that's natural.

HOWEVER. I think natural is over rated. I'm all for genetic engineering and TransHumanism.

I still think the above mentioned freaks in those cities are pathetic..but's their life and they can be as ludicrous as they want to be.

I have no doubt. I'll try not to let it get me down.