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RE: Blaming covid for heart disease when heart disease was already the top cause of death

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

Alright, this a personal position. A position in which I will explain why I accept that science will give Covid-19 as cause for the death.

Some personal background: historically I have suffered from chronic bronchitis. While for many years, after ditching the two antibiotics treatments every year in spring and fall, I didn’t have any struggles in recent 3 years I’ve been twice caught with pneumonia.

Obviously, I’m shielding as well as I can and what’s not because, clearly, my immunity isn’t anymore what it was some years ago. Am I likely to die this year though? Most likely not.

What would happen if I get infected though? I totally agree my immunity is compromised and thus there’s a pre-existing condition. But would SARS-COV2 be the cause of an additionally shortened life? Yes. Without a doubt. Without a doubt it would be the trigger.

Now I could have given a similar narrative about my mother who beat the shit out of cancer but at night needs to sleep with a CPAP machine. Oh, she’s also in the second half of her sixties already. And has had a much larger medical history even.

If anybody is going to imply that her time had come, you bet she will give you her thoughts about passing away soon’ish. But if she were to get infected... yes, red alert at that point. And, again, Covid-9 would be the trigger.