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in Deep Dives3 years ago

i think the moon shot happened years ago when steem hit $8

hive is more like steem in late 2018 - looking really corrupt and not even hiding the scam anymore

it may be going up today, but holding a crypto locked in for 13 weeks when you know full well it's an insider scam is crazy shit

if they had instant power down and no downvoting it would look better, but every investor i know personally has pulled out this year

this post nailed it two months ago and its more obvious now


No shortage of fresh fish, and again, at some point the inflation negates all the shenanigans, except maybe a few.
Driving you out works in their interests long term.
Fewer pulling from the pool to dilute them.

it clearly does - they want rid of real accounts - which proves it's a scam - so why do you still think it will moon?

Far too many people aren't aware of the internal politics.
