
From what we know, some crazy/mentally ill guy when rampage in a shopping mail yesterday evening and killed 3 people. He had prior to thst uploaded 3 videos to yt titled, I dont care.

He "only" had a hunting rifle.
But more is injurid

If he didn't have a rifle he would have picked something else... The issue is that others were unable to defend themselves...

Nope. The good thing is that is so hard to get weapons here, so he only had a rifle and couldn't kill more than 3.

Arming everyone is not the answer

Yes it is. If the people attacked had the means to defend themselves, this wouldn't happen.

That's how that works.

No, thats stupid America thinking.

Less weapons on the streets are always better.

Last time something like this happend in Fields was 6 years ago.
You guys have a school shooting everyday because everybody can get a weapon, such a stupid way of thinking

Stupid.... Wow. Ok then. This conversation is over.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  Reveal Comment