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RE: Growing evidence Oregon fires started by organised arson

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Here is a vote. Oregon strong.

Was fighting the fire last night.

Locals volunteer work party.

We had a suspected arson incident. Was putting out small smoldering burns then next thing a car with a pair of young men took off. Next we have huge flames. Where normally we had embers.

After the pickup truck came with the ibc tote of water and a water pump it took a few mins to get it to stop from spreading.

Can't prove shit. But fresh broken glass where that fire burned hot? No way. Molotov cocktail? That would explain the flames!

If I can get back out there tomorrow I'm going. I'm barely able to walk after working to the edge of curfew.

Countless homes destroyed. Inside the burnt areas? More than half all structures were lost.


Keep up the good fight friend. Updates on these comments around here somewhere.

Here's a clue regarding some incendiaries used:

What happened with the laws on blocking traffic during the protests... Didn't the news just say that's illegal? Sheesh.

And lots of ways to start fires. The Columbia River gorge fire was started with fireworks.