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RE: Welfare Queen Kool-Aid

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Thanks for your response.
We do agree about Trump and Trumpers. He lied. He kept them fooled for four years with "secret incitements" and QAnon. Like I said, I was never on the Trump train. I never believed Trump, but neither did I get all triggered by the man. I always wished I'd be wrong and he'd turn out to be for real and really take the scum out of DC.
The only question left unanswered is, did Trump join them or was he always part of the circus? I tend to believe he was one of them all along.

It's one big party and we ain't invited.
~George Carlin

And I'm sure Candace Owen isn't a racist either. That doesn't mean she isn't an enabler of racism. And do you think that racism is exclusive to white people?

No, racism is not exclusive to white people. I went to a mostly black school and can assure it goes both ways. The black majority often discriminated against the white minority.
But I do believe when a huge rally is a mix of races, and everyone gets along just fine, that those in attendance are not rampant racists.

As for Candace Owen's comments, I can see where she's coming from. As a former leftist, nothing could get my panties in a bunch like racism.
The BLM protests are a bunch of manipulated SJW who are convinced there's this huge push against minorities that they're standing up against. The truth about the protests is that, when they all go home feeling virtuous, they've provided cover for the burning cars, breaking windows, taking over government buildings or maybe entire sections of downtown. The true goal of the protest is far from social justice. The true goal was the chaos they caused.

joining a group that contains QAnon believers, white nationalists and flat Earthers is a measure of good mental health or judgement. The mainstream media lies to us all the time, but that does not mean that you're not lied too by getting your news from Facebook and Twitter.

Hopefully we're clear that I didn't join anyone. I do not and did not believe in Trump, QAnon, white nationalism or flatearth(!?) I'll also add that I don't have either a Twitter or a Facebook account. I do my own research and think for myself. But clearly you still believe mainstream's manipulations and you shouldn't. If you knew the truth you'd know, they're just as bad as Donald Trump.