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RE: Obesity isn't the problem, though.

in Deep Dives27 days ago

I was not familiar with him, but he definitely seems like a cultist. Oh jesus, the whole idea of parents putting their kids on this worries the hell out of me. Scary stuff. I mean, imagine being put on that at birth, what chance do you have? Even supposing, through some extreme, that you or your carer would see sense eventually, imagine the addictive damage that would've done to your body.

Fascinating, regarding what you said, how having a fat baby has always been regarded as a sign of good health and good parenting, in the past, no? Parents used to worry if their babies were skinny. Not put them on drugs to be that. Jesus.


Our babies in the US are vaccinated for a disease they are highly unlikely to ever get, within the first hour. I think this is where the black magic starts, this is the moment the mothers hand over their health care decisions to the medical industrial complex. This action over rides their innate urge to protect the baby from harm and it's all downhill, for must of us, after that.