in Deep Dives4 years ago


This is the second part of the mask conversation.
You can read part 1 here:

The conclusion of that post was that it is now worldwide recommended wearing a mask when you are in public places and there are evidence that it will together with social distancing protect you against Covid19.

Now let's look at the type of mask and does it matter?

There are studies that have compared different masks. Chin-Hong, infectious disease specialist, said for the general public the mask most comfortable is the best mask. If it is comfortable people will be able to wear it consistently.

In a lot of countries cloth masks are recommended for the general public due to the shortages of Surgical and N95 masks which governments recommended should be reserved for medical personnel and doctors.

N95 respirators are only necessary in medical situations such as intubation. Surgical masks are generally more protective than cloth masks, and some people find them lighter and more comfortable to wear.

The following was published the

Different types of mask offer different levels of protection. Surgical grade N95 respirators offer the highest level of protection against Covid-19 infection, followed by surgical grade masks. However, these masks are costly, in limited supply, contribute to landfill waste and are uncomfortable to wear for long periods. So even countries that have required the public to wear face masks have generally suggested such masks should be reserved for health workers or those at particularly high risk.

A study was conducted by the CDC in 2015 to compare the efficacy of medical masks with that of cloth masks among healthcare workers in Viëtnam.
The findings were that rates of infection were consistently higher among those in the cloth mask group than in the medical mask and control groups.

Chin-Hong said it's about the reduction of risk and not absolute prevention.

“You don’t throw up your hands if you think a mask is not 100 percent effective. That’s silly. Nobody’s taking a cholesterol medicine because they’re going to prevent a heart attack 100 percent of the time, but you’re reducing your risk substantially.”

Both Chin-Hong and George Rutherford, UC San Francisco, Epidemiologist, warned against N95 masks with valves which is commonly used in the construction industry to prevent the inhalation of dust. These masks do not protect the people around you.

These one-way valves close when the wearer breathes in, but open when the wearer breathes out, allowing unfiltered air and droplets to escape.
Chin-Hong said that anyone wearing a valved mask would need to wear a surgical or cloth mask over it. "Alternatively, just wear a non-valved mask," he said.

San Francisco has specified that masks with valves do not comply with the city's face covering order.

My personal opinion is that I won't wear a cloth mask if Surgical masks is available, but I will prefer for someone near me in a public place to wear a cloth mask than no mask.

But another big factor based on my own observations are that the wearing of masks are almost useless as the public don't wear it correctly.
I filmed all this people at only 1 till point while I was waiting in the same row.

This guy sneezes and touch the whole mask on the outside.

Both these person's masks sat below their noses. This is the most common mistake I saw people make.

Even the cashier at this same till don't wear her mask correctly.

Can it be dangerous to your health to wear a mask?

Some people object to wearing a mask because they say it is reducing their intake of oxygen and forcing them to inhale their own carbon dioxide.

In rare cases, it can actually be pretty dangerous, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They say that inhaling high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) may be life-threatening. Hypercapnia (carbon dioxide toxicity) can also cause headache, vertigo, double vision, inability to concentrate, tinnitus (hearing a noise, like a ringing or buzzing, that’s not caused by an outside source), seizures, or suffocation due to displacement of air.
But the emphasis here should be on high levels. “It has to be a pretty high concentration to be capable of causing harm,” says, Bill Carroll, PhD, an adjunct professor of chemistry at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Who should not wear a mask?

The CDC recommend that these people don't wear masks:

Children younger than 2 years old
Anyone who has trouble breathing
Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Something interesting....


President Trump on Saturday wore a mask in public for the first time, after months of resistance. He wore the mask after repeated urging from aides that it was a necessary message to send to Americans.

I suppose this debate is far from over.....

Thank you for reading.



Interesting read. I disagree with the necessity of mask wearing but will not force my opinions on others. To each their own. Live and let live. 😀

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Let's just hope that we can get back to normal.
Good luck with all your kitties. 😺🐈

What is normal? 😁

A very informative article 👏. You reached a conclusion that we both agree on. Wearing a mask is important. It is not perfect but it is still better than not wearing any mask. It decreases the viral load that got expelled when talking, coughing, or sneezing. I would add that one should sneeze and cough in the elbow/sleeve even when wearing a mask. To diminish (and hopefully, stop) the spread of the virus, every single preventive measure has to be followed has an overall daily behavior.

So great hearing from you again. 🙂 Thank you for comment and contribution to my post.
Take care!

Hi dear , it’s such a surreal new period of good intentions badly excecuted. And when you tell the persons about the wrong use you get a curse thrown at you.

Yes, we the public, would never have imagined this happening although there was movies made and it was anticipated by some governments.
I like how you put it: "good intentions badly executed".
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I really appreciate. ❣️

Thank you for sharing with me great initiative. ❣️

Gracias por la información, todo lo que se pueda aportar para mejorar la salud es bienvenido.Gracias por compartir.

Thank you for commenting.🌼