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RE: Warnings from the past. Be careful how you think about Electric Vehicles (EVs).

in Deep Diveslast year

The premise of "Who Killed the Electric Car?" was that well organized political forces squashed attempts to develop alternative automotive technologies in the twentieth century to create a single-source economy controlled by big oil and big business.

I support the development of EVs. I even signed up to buy an Aptera.

However, I can't help but notice that the political system pushing the EV is of the same form as the political structure which squashed technological development last century.

What is going to happen is that in 50 years there will be a huge political backlash that points at all of the pollution created by the current EV craze.

This future movement will be run by the same political clowns that killed the electric car and that is seeking to end the combustion engine today.

The best path forward is one in which society develops a diversity of technologies.



The best path forward is one in which society develops a diversity of technologies.

AKA - Free Market without governments and control dictating technologies.

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