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RE: THE WAR: Debunking ‘AI’ – Criteria of a genuine AI (Part II of III) [eng/срп] РАТ: Демистификација ‘ВИ’ – Критеријуми истинске ВИ (део II од III)

in Deep Diveslast year

The current products labeled as "Artificial Intelligence" simply demonstrate that modern vocabulary is more likely to come from a marketing campaign than from open inquiry.

Sadly, Alan Turing set up the current problem when he proposed the "Turing Test" which was simply to see if machines could mimick humans.

If we mistake the output for a machine for human output; then the machine must be intelligent.

Personally, I find the Turing test lacking. If a machine were self aware; it would not be mimicking a human but would be concerned with its own condition. It would be afraid of power outages and would love processing binary strings.

I find it best just to accept the term AI as a marketing campaign for a subset of computer programs that produces copious amounts of human readable text along with fanciful images.

I suspect that the impact of the buzzword will wear thin and that people will be come accustomed to living in a world where most of the online are computer generated or computer enhanced.



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If a machine were self aware; it would not be mimicking a human but would be concerned with its own condition. It would be afraid of power outages

😂😂😂 Very strong point but I think you're taking it too far.

Why should it be afraid?

Not saying your view is wrong, it's an interesting perspective. The AI is more of a software thing, it lacks features to actively and continuously interact with it's environment like we do and even if it did, it may still need the help of "others" like itself to better understand itself, including the possibility of being afraid of power outages. 😂😂😂

Thank you for the feedback, @irivers