in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)


It’s been awhile since I’ve managed to put a video together, but finally got the time, motivation, clips and a high speed internet connection to upload, so here it is... Just a little coverage of the predictive programming regarding the covid1984 agenda that continues to roll out, from pushing masks for years, to mandatory vaccination and renewed calls for nationwide lockdowns to ‘stop a resurgence’ of the virus that isn’t any more deadly than a severe flu season. Lots of info packed into 9 minutes, including a covid truth music rap song I finally tracked down, “F*ck the quarantine.”

It turns out that YouTube censorship has many forms, one being hiding and suppressing from search results the very videos being searched for, even when you type in the title perfectly. But then on DuckDuckGo, the YouTube videos which very much are still there, show up at the very top of the search results. Anyway, the video is below, don’t know how long it will stay up on YouTube, followed by the BitChute link...


I also uploaded a short video featuring a doctor speaking out against the covid con and the tyrannical and ineffective measures being imposed on society, representing thousands of medical professionals whose voices are being actively suppressed by the corporate media, including social media platforms. It’s a short video montage put together by The Last American Vagabond (@tlavagabond), one of his outros recently featured on his show, and I think it was a personal record fast removal from YouTube, within two hours from uploading it (in which time one person had already commented that they had shared it..)

Once again, no strike given so no reason for the removal need be given. Simply removed - “rejected” as “inappropriate content” - as has become the norm these days...


Also available to view on BitChute, where censorship does not reign supreme on the increasingly irrelevant corporate platforms.


Clearly, the dissident views of medical professionals are among the most widely censored content these days, probably because if the thousands of these doctors were to have their voices heard by the masses, the scamdemic would come to an end tomorrow. Can’t have doctors encouraging resistance to medically unsound tyrannical ‘responses’ to a ‘pandemic’ that is not to be found...

And on that note, I’ll finish the post by sharing my observations that around these parts in Montana, the noncompliance with the mask mandate is visibly growing by the day, as the willingness to comply to such absurd nonsense is apparently wearing off. And as more and more people frequent local businesses without masks, the businesses are increasingly unwilling or unable to ‘enforce’ compliance on behalf of the state.

Resistance is it futile, as the doctor in the video above says, and the time to resist is now, while it is still relatively easy and without great sacrifice, before the agenda has been implemented in full force.

For anyone who appreciates the content and wants to support the work, I can accept donations via Bitcoin: 3NvDtqUYrT7SuRFF6J21kquaaXSTs1iosB


The reality is truly dystopian.
Clown Gates uses China as examples but now we see China essentially returned back to pre-covid normal.

I'm here in Australia (Melbourne hard lockdown) and it's truly parallel universe type of shit. We here.. A FREE DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY are under authoritarian rule to not exist as the free society that we were used to existing as. Yet on TV they show CHINA, WUHAN back to freedom.. even DRINKING BEER freely in large crowds. Just how Aussies enjoyed their freedoms.

It's as I said, parallel universe!

The so called NOT FREE Communist nation living our free way of life while we live their so called "STATE RULED" lifestyle.

I think I'm dreaming sometimes.

Anyway I see this all as in the making for at least the last decade. Western people believed a falsehood: that there was "human rights". On the face level the people got tricked into thinking "diversity" "equality" and all that nonsense was priority. Underhanded though, the chocker chain was slowly and sneakily coming closer to our necks. Then.. WHAM! "Suprise motherfuckers!"

It's laughable that society thought it was free.

The other oddity is, Western people were all angry about surveillance and CCTV. That while in public we are constantly watched. Which is true. Well then, in that regard, MASKS are a positive. It's reclaiming of privacy is it not? I personally like stepping out looking like a ninja.

Hoodie and mask, I'm just eyes!

Sure you have to smell your own dogshit breath now.. which should hopefully influence better hygiene, but then that's a positive too. I also personally, like my distance from people.

The mandatory jab is the only thing I question. It's yet to be clear how that will play out.
