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RE: Electronic Voting Fraud 2020: Dominion, Hammer & Scorecard Rigging Election (Allegations & Evidence)

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

Only 85 pages worth of it is being included in the PA lawsuit, and the idea all this is only being circulated in "Trumpist echo chambers" is the fallacy fed to you by the mainstream narrative.

It's circulating all through independent media circles, many of which have and continue to be outspoken Trump critics, like myself. I'm surprised you haven't noticed that, being you're commenting on a page of one who has openly for the entire duration of the Trump reign called out the Administration for its numerous lies and crimes against humanity. But, as the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day. On this issue, the evidence backs up the Trump claims.

It's curious all those mindlessly repeating "baseless claims" and "no evidence of fraud" avoid challenging the evidence itself. Go ahead and ignore it, and continue refusing to actually confront what you claim doesn't constitute evidence, rather than challenging it. What is included in the lawsuits really has no bearing on the actual evidence being presented and circulated. If you find any of it to not suggest fraud, please explain away, addressing each and every anomaly, instance of apparent vote flipping, and the numerous other allegations. Or even just addressing a single one would be a great start. Until the fraud deniers do that, they are only digging a deeper hole for themselves as they ignore facts that suggest (but don't necessarily prove) fraud. Still waiting to hear how 200% voter turnout, apparent electronic vote flipping in multiple states, thousands of votes returned before being mailed, and dead people miraculously coming back to vote isn't evidence of fraud...


Still waiting to hear how 200% voter turnout, apparent electronic vote flipping in multiple states, thousands of votes returned before being mailed, and dead people miraculously coming back to vote isn't evidence of fraud...

The debunking of “evidence” of fraud seems to be well underway: