(S)Election 2020 Psyop: Evidence of Election Fraud & the Unfolding Staged Chaos

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

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On Thursday, the president gave his first address to the nation since election night, and laid out his case that the 2020 election is fraught with corruption and fraud. The media jumped to denounce this litany of claims as baseless 'conspiracy theories', and some outlets went so far as to make their own outlandish claims that voter fraud doesn't happen here in 'the land of the free'. But nothing could be further from the truth. Whether or not Trump's claims of a conspiracy to rig the election for Biden is true or not, America has a long and verifiable history of election fraud, and this has become especially apparent and more prevalent over the past two decades. Furthermore, the establishment stood in such staunch opposition to such claims of fraud and corruption that several mainstream outlets actually cut and deleted their feed of the president's live address so viewers wouldn't hear these claims. Twitter has already been censoring the President of the United States.

This is unprecedented, and points to something big going down here. Never in the history of this country that I am aware of has the President of the 'free world' been attacked and censored in such an orchestrated manner. The election chaos and confusion that was predicted is already being sowed into the minds of the people, feeding the partisan division like never before.

The President's address to the nation can be seen below:

For the record it is worth noting that, as any of my followers should well know, I am by no means a Trump supporter or a Trump apologist, and contrary to what the media would have you believe, not everybody questioning the election results or referencing evidence that appears to show coordinated fraud on behalf of the Biden campaign are Trump supporters. Some of us just see the absurdity of the notion that the same Joe Biden who was so unpopular during his campaign that he struggled to gather crowds at rallies, and who is widely known as 'creepy Joe' and the old man with dementia, still somehow managed to receive more total votes than Obama did in his landslide 2008 victory, and we are dealing here with what looks to be the closest presidential race in American history. Maybe there are enough Americans who are ignorant enough or who hate Trump enough to vote for a creepy racist establishment insider who is literally losing his marbles and clearly incompetent to run a country, let alone act as Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the world, but for some reason I doubt it.

Despite my scruples with Trump, I do value the truth, and if there is evidence of election fraud being used to select Biden as the next president, and Trump makes this the center of his election narrative, I am not going to tow the mainstream line and suppress such evidence just because Trump is the one pointing it out. Contrary to what the mainstream media would have you believe, not everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie, and to discount something just because Trump said it is immature and ignorant, no matter how many lies the man has told.

In a video response to Trump's address playing under the caption, "The Post's Amy Gardner analyzes President Trump's multifarious legal challenges across swing states questioning the integrity of the 2020 election," the Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post's Amy Gardner explains how Trump, according to her, claims that "the only reason the votes are close in those four" battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan and Nevada, "is because election officials and democrats are putting in ballots that are illegal." Yes, I am aware this is a mathematical anomaly, and those are simply the five battleground states she initially listed as being the ones which will "decide this election," before then repeatedly referring to "those four states"... One wonders if this is exactly the type of mathematical anomalies Trump is in fact referring to when he speaks of election fraud... In any event, the Post correspondent goes on to state that: "It's really important to say that there is absolutely no evidence this is the case."

This is a blatant lie, as there is in fact evidence that this is exactly the case, at least in the case of numerous long-dead people miraculously 'coming back to life' to vote for Joe Biden in Michigan. There is far more evidence pointing towards potential wide-scale election fraud, besides this one example of a few 120 year old dead people somehow managing to cast votes for Biden in Michigan, some of which also took place in Michigan. The president calmly laid out the numerous cases of discrepancies and oddities which he claims are evidence of widespread fraud and corruption, and claims he has collected evidence of this fraud. From what I have seen, there is enough evidence which has circulated on social media to at the very least warrant investigations and recounts in several states. But according to the mainstream media, not a one of these discrepancies, oddities, and anomalies amounts to fraud or corruption, and in fact they would have us believe that a good number of them are totally fake news stories that never took place, good ol' fashioned right wing 'conspiracy theories'.

After all, as the same Washington Post correspondent will go on to point out in the very same video, "There's a larger goal" of Trump's accusations of fraud "that people should be aware of," and this is about far more than a few cases of election fraud in favor of Biden, which, if they do concede have been uncovered, are too insignificant to change the outcome of the election they say. As if small-scale election fraud is somehow not possibly indicative of larger scale fraud, and as if small-scale fraud should be brushed aside because somehow the scale of fraud dictates whether an investigation into fraud or a recount should be initiated. So what is this "larger goal" the media is fighting back against in their total denunciation of Trump's claims of election fraud?

"It's very clear to me that president Trump and his campaign are trying to sow mistrust in this outcome, they're trying to undermine the nation's confidence that this election is being conducted fairly, and that everybody's vote is being counted and treated equally if it's a legal vote."

But the problem is as we've already seen, there is evidence that not all of the votes being counted are actually legal votes. The Washington Post and indeed all of the mainstream media as I can tell, is attempting to program us all to believe the illusion that what we are witnessing here is a fair and honest election, when it is in all likelihood and certainly does appear to be the most fraudulent and corrupt election in a long line of fraudulent elections being run by an inherently corrupt system.

And this is the crux of the issue, not that the election is potentially being stolen from Trump, for we should all know by now this is a selection process, not a democratic election. But rather, the issue at stake here is the integrity of these selections in general, and public confidence in the voting system, and public trust in the illusion that one's vote actually counts. The reality is, none of our votes count, because even if we did have the power to 'choose' which candidate is 'elected', it makes no difference in the outcome of government policy. All the politicians are puppets, dancing to whim of their masters, with the whole world or in this case the whole District of Criminals as their stage show. I've documented this on numerous occasions, with my most recent post exposing this scam with documented evidence linked below.

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What the screenwriters of our reality are really attempting to convince us of, in their backlash against Trump's claims of election fraud, is that we have completely fair and honest elections, entirely free from fraud and corruption. In another video response to Trump's address, the Washington Post makes the absurd and baseless claim that "voter fraud is extremely rare in the United States."

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And this, as should by widely known by now, is about as far from the truth about American (s)elections as anyone can get. There has been election fraud in nearly every political election, big and small, for at least the past two decades, and election fraud on a big enough scale and responsible for flipping an election goes all the way back to at least 1971, and is unquestionably taking place even today.

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If the irony of the same mainstream media that spent years attempting to convince us all that Russia hacked the election now attempting to convince us that an election can't be rigged wasn't already apparent, you can let that sink in for a moment before reading any further.

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Yes, this is exactly where the state of the establishment is at today, it's amazing anyone buys anything they tell us. As far as actual election fraud is concerned, as the old saying goes, it's not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes. And even with honest counters, mistakes can still be made, and fraudulent ballots can be introduced at different points in the ballot chain, rendering the work of honest counters meaningless. In other words there is more than one way to steal an election, or fraudulently influence the outcome towards that end. Introduction of electronic voting machines to the mix in recent history has only compounded the problem, and greatly increased the chance of invisible wide-scale election fraud, not to mention electronic 'errors' which regularly occur. The issue of electronic voting machines was first brought to the public's attention during the 2000 presidential election, when voting machines were found to be pumping out thousands of negative votes for Al Gore, which is an impossibility. Even if not a single person in a district voted for a candidate, that candidate would be incapable of receiving negative votes, unless the machine was programmed to count positive votes as negative, or some other serious error.

This massive discrepancy was chalked up to error, but industry insider, Clint Curtis testified before a Congressional Judiciary Committee in Ohio that he was hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a software package that would secretly rig an election to automatically flip the result 51-49 to a specified side irregardless of the actual votes cast by the voters. The program was only 100 lines of code long, and undetectable by election officials or the general public, and could only be identified by a computer programming within the machine's code, invisible to any outside eyes.


Below is a short interview with the same whistle blower discussing the reality of these corrupt election software programs which are capable of rigging an entire election.

It is for these reasons mentioned above that many independent analysts and observers believe the 2000 elections were rigged for Bush, specifically in Ohio and Florida, along with the fact that one of the major manufacturers of these voting machines being widely used across the country, Diebold, was actually managed by republican insiders, an obvious conflict of interest that the mainstream media has never properly addressed. But evidence of election fraud doesn't stop there.

As Michael Shnayerson of Vanity Fair Magazine describes it, "Bev Harris stumbled onto a national story ignored by every big-city newspaper in the land,” and this story was eventually documented in her book exposing wide-scale election fraud entitled "Black Box Voting," which can be downloaded and read for free online.

The discoveries documented in this groundbreaking research project are described in her book and a number of articles posted on her website, http://blackboxvoting.org.

"Author Bev Harris is the 52-year-old grandma who found ... 40,000 secret voting machine files on the Web," which included a folder called "rob-georgia" containing "instructions to replace Georgia’s computerized voting files right before the [2002] election." She found evidence that through fraudulent means the control of the US Senate had been tipped in those elections. Thus began her investigations into the voting industry, as she went deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of American election fraud, culminating in the publishing of an entire book exposing the industry.

"What she learned is that modern-day voting systems are run by private, for-profit corporations, rely on a few cronies for oversight, using a certification system so fundamentally flawed that it allows machines to miscount and lose votes, with hidden back doors that enable 'end runs' around the voting system." What she discovered is ultimately that in the big scheme things, your vote as an American simply doesn't count, at least not in many cases in a wide variety of locations.

So when the mainstream media is at the same time as they discount Trump's claims of election fraud during this election also dismissing election fraud in general, when we know this country has a serious problem with election fraud, they probably shouldn't be trusted. They are clearly attempting to paint the picture of a fair and honest election system, when it is the very system which is corrupt to the core, and not just a matter of possible fraud in a few states in this election alone. From the very onset of voting there were a large number of voting machine issues all across the country, which just smells fishy. This and a number of other oddities are covered by The Last American Vagabond (@tlavagabond) in his election day show.


As Ryan notes, it was a chaotic election from the onset, with much chaos: on the streets, at the polls, and in the minds of the people being created by the mainstream coverage of this election in a manner unlike any previous election in the nation's history. This was to be expected, as this is exactly what they predicted would happen. They said if Trump 'lost', he wouldn't concede and would claim fraud as the cause. And so it was. They claimed there would be election chaos, and so there was. They claimed there would be nationwide protests, and while they weren't as violent as predicted, there was still some violence. They predicted the election would be too close to call, and so it is. In every single possible way it would seem, this election is unfolding exactly as it was scripted to unfold. See also my recent post on possible election chaos and the coming 'dark winter' for more on all this predictive programming.

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Of course such election fraud and corruption can go both ways, but in this case there does appear to be a pattern of discrepancies that do appear to indicate potential wide-scale fraud with the intent of ensuring a Biden win, or a Trump loss, however you wish to look at things. For what reasons this narrative is playing out is a matter of debate, but this is where the evidence does seem to be pointing, and for this reason the mainstream media dismissal of Trump's so-called "unsubstantiated" claims of fraud as a massive 'conspiracy theory' is extremely childish and quite telling. There might not be a massive conspiracy to steal the election, as Trump claims, but there is indeed evidence of fraud, while all the mainstream outlets repeat the mantra that there is no such evidence, instead labeling all such claims as unsubstantiated, baseless, and lacking in evidence. One great example of this latest ongoing propaganda campain is the New York Times piece, "In Torrent of Falsehoods, Trump Claims Election Is Being Stolen"

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This "torrent of falsehoods" was so baseless in fact, that most major media outlets cut the feed. Another possibility is that the accusations are so damaging to the establishment and its current narrative that they couldn't suffer the masses hearing a little bit of truth broadcast on mainstream establishment media. As I often point out, falsehoods have no need of being censored, for they are easily disproven. And yet both the President's speech and his Twitter feed is being highly censored. In fact, there is a massive social media censorship campaign underway, which is censoring in a variety of ways any information the establishment is deeming to be 'misinformation', including much of the evidence indicating potential election fraud. Twitter has both removed a number of Trump tweets and also hidden a large number behind its new message about election misinformation.

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The President is far from alone in being a target of this widespread censorship, which has taken down countless amounts of information challenging the official establishment narrative from multiple social media platforms.

As far as additional evidence of fraud, in Michigan there was a period where over 100,000 absentee ballots were counted, in which every single one of them were counted for Biden, which seems to be highly statistically unlikely, especially the total lack of a single vote for a third party candidate.

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You can see how the numbers changed, with every single newly counted vote during this time going to Biden, and seems to be a clear cut case of election fraud.

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This is, however, "According to Drew McCoy, a spokesperson for Decision Desk HQ, [...] an error made on their part and not intentional voter fraud," Red State reported.

“It was a simple error from a file created by the state that we ingested,” McCoy said.

“The state noticed the error and produced an updated count,” McCoy explained. “Once they did, we updated the count accordingly. This happens on election night, and we expect other vote tabulators in (Michigan) experienced this error and corrected in real-time like we did.”

Decision Desk HQ has reported that the errors have been corrected.

I am unsure what the error was, whether the missing tally in the official count of over 100,000 Biden votes or the 100,000 votes all going to Biden, or something else entirely, but the fact that such massive errors are occurring and apparently across the entire state of Michigan, is itself disturbing, highly suspect, and at the very least evidence that the official outcomes are subject to huge errors and could be highly inaccurate. A Michigan re-count is certainly in order. If such errors can occur in Michigan, they can occur in other states. Oddly, there are a number of tight swing states which experienced similar swings from solid Trump leads throughout the majority of the vote count to Biden wins during the final few chunks of ballots being processed. This could easily be due to a majority of mail-in ballots going to Biden, or it could also be due to last minute dumps of fraudulent ballots, for this odd scenario also played out in Wisconsin at about the same time it played out in Michigan.

The BBC likewise in a "fact-check" of this wild "rumor"/'conspiracy theory' about Michigan voter fraud claimed it was a "data entry error." But as Paul Craig Roberts rightly points out:

The “data entry error” was not corrected, if it was, until it became an issue. How does the BBC know that the sudden jump in votes for Biden wasn’t fraud that when exposed was explained away by crooked officials as a “data entry error.”

Note also that the exact same thing occurred in neighboring Wisconsin at about the same time. So we had two simultaneous “data entry errors” in two critical contested states that wiped out Trump’s lead? How likely is that?

Note also that correcting the “data entry error” did not result in the reappearance of Trump’s lead. So how was the error corrected?

It shows how utterly stupid the presstitutes are that they report that a data entry error that erased Trump’s lead was “corrected” but the lead remained erased!

It is worth noting that Joe Biden himself has stated that: "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”


Maybe it was just one more mistake in a long line of mistakes coming from a man who often can't seem to remember where he's at or even what decade it is, or maybe he was just being a little bit too honest there for a minute. Either way, the media's treatment of this election has too, much like this comment, been absolutely bizarre.

I personally watched as the media called Arizona almost immediately, then came back and said it was too close to call, then called it again, in both cases for Biden, and are now reporting that Trump is closing the gap while it remains on most election maps as officially called for Biden. The media has used similar tactics beginning on election night and continuing through the week to create chaos and confusion among the people. I have watched for over 24 hours as Georgia remains at 99% of votes in, with Biden gaining thousands upon thousands of votes until today when he finally surpassed Trump, wondering how many thousands of votes it will take before that 99% finally shifts to 100%, and still it is being reported that only 99% of the votes are in as the Biden votes continue to pour in. Presumably there will come a time when that endless final one percent of votes is actually finished being counted. In the meantime it is really starting to look like another massive dump of Biden votes being counted is behind the surge of Biden votes, not unlike what seemed to have taken place in Michigan and Wisconsin.

For some reason the media called Arizona for Biden long before it could be truly established that he had won, while continuing not to call North Carolina for Trump, where he has been leading by the same number of points Biden had been leading in Arizona, but with 94% of the vote already in compared to only 90% of the vote in for Arizona (and even less before that). None of this is evidence of fraud, per se, but is all unusual and suspect behavior, definitely evidence of a biased establishment agenda designed to set the stage for a Biden win long before it could actually be known (if the winner was truly picked by the voters, of course).

If nothing else, prematurely calling states for Biden and delaying to call states where Trump is leading until every last vote has been counted makes it appear on the surface as if Biden has a much bigger lead that reflected by reality. And so it has been that for nearly two days now, Biden has been "only six electoral votes away from victory," while Trump looks to be trailing far behind at only 214, where, if they had prematurely called Georgia, NC and Pennsylvania like they had done with Arizona, it would look like the neck and neck race it really is, or at least that they want it to be. All this time they still do continue to really emphasize that this race is "too close to call." It's all about creating chaos, confusion, and building the chosen narrative, which appears to be the closest race in American history followed by a Biden victory. Remember, they've been saying for weeks that this would be the closest presidential race and would be too close to call, and would go to the courts or Congress for that very reason, and now look where things are. It would seem the (s)election show is going right along according to plan.

Although many media outlets have gone out of their way to report that people without masks cannot be turned away from the polls, I have seen a few reports of people being turned away from the polls or at least being discouraged from voting, and at least in Texas a judge ruled that voters must wear a mask to vote. This is blatant discrimination, and could easily be seen as a tactic used to increase Biden votes, especially taking into consideration that those who are unwilling to wear a mask are highly unlikely to vote for Biden, and are much more likely to vote for Trump or an independent candidate, with the so-called anti-maskers participating in the two-party paradigm largely falling into the Trump camp.

Another case of apparent fraud can be found in the absentee ballot count of Pennsylvania, another swing battleground state, where according to the math from the official numbers, Joe Biden apparently got 100% of the Democrat, 100% of the Independent and even 10% of the Republican mail in vote, another highly unlikely statistical anomaly. Watch @theouterlight coverage on this here on @ThreeSpeak.

Ed goes much more in depth covering many of the other red flags in a more comprehensive video made toward the beginning of the election in the following video, and there are indeed a large number of red flags and so many things that just simply don't add up or seem right at all, for a supposedly fair and honest election anyway.


One major red flag is that 6,000 votes cast for Trump in one Michigan county were actually counted for Biden, before the County Clerk discovered the 'error', officially stating that tabulating software "glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote." The same voting software was discovered to have been used in 47 other Michigan counties. Elsewhere in Michigan, another software 'glitch' gave an upset win to a democrat running for County Commissioner, before the 'error' was identified and the fraudulent win nullified. Considering what we know about how easily voting software can be designed to automatically flip an election, the question must be asked whether this was truly a "glitch" or intentional fraud, and in either case whether all such potential 'errors' across the other Michigan counties have been discovered and corrected.

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Another anomaly indicative of voter fraud is a pattern of Biden having so many more votes than democratic senators, but only in key swing states such as Michigan and Georgia and not in non-swing states.

There are also some strange things going on within the US postal service. James O'Keef with Project Veritas has now interviewed two USPS whistle blowers who were given orders to collect and set aside ballots collected on November 4th. The first whistle blower works for the Traverse City US Post Office in Michigan and claims he was told this directive was explicitly given in order that the ballots collected the day after the election, were be post-dated with the previous day's date. This type of fraud would ordinarily be done in order to qualify late ballots for the vote count, but if this was the intention, they picked the wrong state to use such tactics, as Michigan doesn't accept any ballots after Election Day, regardless of when they were mailed. If this took place in some other states, then any such votes would indeed end up being counted and there would be no way I can think of for election officials to know which ballots were fraudulently post-dated and which were legitimate. But not in Michigan.

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Smells like a fake story inserted into the narrative to discredit the mounting legitimate evidence of fraud if you ask me...

Another USPS whistleblower from Pennsylvania spoke to Project Veritas making similar claims about overhearing orders to backdate mail to the third, this time in a state in which such a scheme would work to create countable fraudulent votes.

A second Pennsylvania USPS whistle blower was also interviewed by O'Keef. This postal employee, although he wasn't instructed to post-date the ballots to November 3, believes the order to set aside ballots being mailed after election day was for that purpose, if one can believe either of these voices are truly "USPS whistle blowers."

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Claims by such anonymous whistle blowers should of course be taken with a grain of salt, but taken alongside all of the other evidence of fraud, such scenarios do seem plausible, and I wouldn't put it past some Biden supporters to be so incompetent to not realize they are functioning in a state in which such a scheme wouldn't work (in Michigan).

At the same time, Postmaster Louis DeJoy defied a court order to sweep post offices for missing ballots, and elsewhere the court-ordered daily sweeps have turned up 40,000 ballots which were delivered to election offices on Thursday. While some states do not accept ballots after Election Day, others allow any mail dated November 3 or earlier as long as it arrives by a specified deadline, which in the case of Pennsylvania is Friday.

In a court filing early Friday, USPS said 1,076 ballots, had been found at the USPS Philadelphia Processing and Distribution Center. About 300 were found at the Pittsburgh processing center, 266 at a Lehigh Valley facility and others found at other Pennsylvania processing centers.

It is unclear whether these Pennsylvania ballots would have otherwise been delivered on Friday in order to retain their eligibility without the court order, and if not, whether they were intentionally being withheld from delivery. If so, and if any of the other 40,000 ballots were likewise being intentionally kept from delivery, this is evidence of criminal activity within the postal service with the intent to fraudulently influence the elections by the intentional withholding of votes. Such a strategy would only be effective in counties with a known high population of either democrat or republican voters, or where the vast majority of mail-in ballots are cast by either republicans or democrats.

There are obvious reasons to believe that the claims of mail fraud are staged fake news stories, but that doesn't erase the pile of actual evidence of voter fraud. In the end it may all just be part of the script, part of the plan to sow the seeds of chaos and confusion designed to foster more division, street protests and violent clashes based upon party lines. Even once a winner is declared, no one will actually know who really won or who will eventually be declared the final winner until the end of the year. There will be recounts, and legal battles, and it will go to Congress as it must, where it may actually be decided depending on how things turn out, and possibly even to the Supreme Court. Georgia has already announced it will be holding a recount, even before the initial count was completed, and Trump has insisted on a recount in Michigan. The entire show is playing out just like it was predicted to play out. Trump could mobilize the military for any number of purposes including the arrest of political opponents or members of the media who are de-platforming him, riots could be easily be incited as protests are already ongoing in cities across the country, and all hell could break loose.

It seems this is exactly the sort of scenario being engineered by this psyop. Those who are not emotionally invested in the outcome of the election and who are prepared for the possibility of social unrest and whatever a coming 'dark winter' might entail are obviously in the best positions right now. In the end, whoever wins or doesn't win and whatever amount of election fraud has taken place, the bankers, the Zionists, the war machine and the billionaire technocrats have already won this (s)election. The sooner the people realize this staged show is irrelevant, the sooner such orchestrated chaos will no longer effect them or their lives. But until that day arrives, I'd prepare for things to get worse, with no clear settled election outcome for weeks, just like the Bush-Gore presidential race of 2000 but on steroids.


I am voting and sharing this because you have done an amazing job in explaining exactly what's going on.

I am highly interested in ching The troop all out of each one of these individuals involved with the questionable election and if they were doing this on such a large and coordinated scale it should be involving extra time.

Time that the American people restored faith into our election system.

And I really can't wait to see the Biden Clinton and Obama criminal syndicate end up in prison. And especially with this blatant corruption how is it that I'm getting American would vote for such open rot....

We will see what's going on very quickly and I have a feeling that all of this is going to be a forest fire.