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RE: Hyper-Responsibility

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I agree with Ron Paul, but if you want to help the person then help the person as an individual, a good Samaritan, a church, a non-profit, a company, a gang, a family, a friend, etc, etc, as long as you are not the government, as long as you're not making and forcing tax payers to pay for it on behalf of dangerous government. I believe in Hyper-Responsibility in that you should take care of yourself as opposed to forcing everybody to take care of everybody because people sometimes make bad decisions or poor decisions or not the best decisions and choices to do not good or not the best and many people do not and have not desired to really help other people and only a few do and many people are inspired to get welfare from the government and to abuse the system and they just want to get free money and milk the system and stay at home forever. People were staying at home even before Covid-19. That is why they love Covid so much as it justifies what they've been doing for decades, staying at home. They've been getting government money, handouts, to stay at home, for decades. This is their religion. And they want you to pay for it or they will burn down your city in the name of George Floyd and George Soros and King George and not George Washington but all the fat George people out there in the hood.