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RE: Blatant Political Mind Control on facebook.

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

Black Chicken:

Funny you say that because I've been helping people with their gardens, one black rooster or chicken was getting in, so we put metal chicken fencing up. Not a black sheep but a rogue black chicken running wild from a neighbor's house.


At another place, yeah, deer was hoping over, so I was putting up rope, sticks, whatever I could find, to discourage them. Was surprise one night when I looked outside and saw a deer inside one fenced area eating up like lettuce, kale, or something green like that. We've been canning food. Good skill to learn. Yeah, we got some pickles too.

Farmer's Market

Oh, we got a farmer's market we go to sometimes. Perhaps our garden is not as big as yours. I think we sometimes get moles. I'm glad your daughter was building you a fence.