Music Inspired; War - What is it good for?

in Deep Dives8 months ago

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As a history buff who is very realistic about the approach I take toward understanding humanity and our tendency to cause chaos, I've read a lot of relevant literature about warring times and I've also witnessed war in this current era.

Even in recent times, we've all heard of wars of high magnitude between countries and my immediate reaction to any news about war is a feeling of disgust towards the whole thing. You know, it hasn't even been that long since the Russia-Ukraine war made headlines.

Can you imagine the number of wars that have taken place since then?

I'm quite sensitive to the topic of war and it comes from my deep study of Ancient Asia during the era of the Mongols, Khitan, Goguryeo, Silla, and Qing Dynasty. If you know anything about this era, you can already imagine what it must have felt like to experience all those wars, slaughters, and a long list of other signs of catastrophe which was part of the lifestyle in those days.

One of the things I've learned from widening my knowledge about that era is that war makes people very resentful and there is no true winner whenever there is war. Then, why go for war when other less catastrophic options can be explored?

That's the big question.

Whenever I listen to WAR, a song released by Edwin Starr in the early 1970s, my mind takes a deep dive into a thoughtful unrest. For the record, I think everyone needs to be buzzing this song every morning before they start their day. Also, this needs to be played on the radio while they give us their usual pieces of depressing news.

First, listen to the song. Then, think...

The song is titled War (What is it good for) and it's a song that will surely ring a bell if you are one of those who watched the Rush Hour trilogy. Edwin was spitting facts in each lyric of the songs and I pray you caught those while listening to the song.

It isn't obvious to me that those that are already at War are going to retreat from that even when they see the drastic effect of their actions. You'd be surprised to know that someone out there is still entertaining the idea of waging war.

Well, let's take our chill pill, shall we?

We've got to embrace our humanity. Nothing good comes out of war. Edwin already made points about that in his song. Check that out and meditate upon each line of the lyrics.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash
Music video is taken from YouTube.


Nope. I don't want to be playing that song every single morning hehe... I think the irregular rhythm would jar with my sense of well-being !LOLZ but I do get and appreciate the sentiment.

induction then destruction

THIS!! 👆 (It makes me worry that the romanticised vision of the military that they put out there may one day attract one of my kids!I pray on it not ever being so! 🙏

Perhaps, something to ponder with a listen when wide awake and heading off to work... perhaps! 😜

Thank you for writing for dreem-wotw, Kene. Always nice to read and ponder your considered thoughts when you take part.


Haha... Sam. I'm having a good laugh right now. Haha 😂. It was really fun to write this entry and I'm glad I used this as an opportunity to share my thoughts about War and the sort of damage it causes.

I know that's a rough song to start the day with. Haha. I just think we all need to have that in mind because a lot of catastrophe is hitting us in this day and time.

100% agree we should not be sweeping these challenging issues under the carpet. But I think I'll have my caffeine hit first and make sure I'm ready for the heaviness of the subject. I am not a morning person hahaha. I love my bed too much !LOLZ

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Thanks so much

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My dad will always say"those who clamor for war are those who have never experienced it before" war is not a good thing, it's our prayer that God will always keep us from it.
#dreemerforlife #dreemport

That's so true about War. People that aso for war are usually those that haven't experienced anything about war. There's nothing good about that.

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I have seen rush hour but I can’t really recall the track, but the fact that it conveys this beautiful and awesome message, I think i might have to check it out more often, hopefully it rings a bell, Mehn this is old but golden, noice kene boss, wait wait wait man, I think it's starting to ring a bell bro, wait for it bro …

Haha... The song will easily ring a bell once you think about it. Rush Hour is actually a very old one. The reason I remember it so well is that I got to rewatch the Rush Hour trilogy 4 months ago. Haha.

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I have never heard this song before and I love how it conveys the right message.

Thanks for sharing Kenny

Always a #dreemerforlife

Yeah. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

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The only real reason we are still having war is because of greed, misunderstanding, or corrupt officials. Get rid of the root problems, and everything changes.

Great song selection and subject by the way - Rush Hour was fun :)
