Gatherings Will Kill People, but Protests Are Fine...

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Be careful, COVID-19 is very dangerous. It's so dangerous, that with most deaths being in those 60 years old and above, the infected fatality rate is around 0.26%, which is within the range of a more severe flu season. It's so dangerous, that you are not allowed to be too close to other people in the store, or have too many people in the same area outside. Unless of course, you're a BLM protester.

This is the contradictory wisdom being espoused by the New York City Mayor, and I presume other so-called "leaders" and "experts". You can hear how stupid these decisions are, flying in the face of rational thinking, with Mayor de Blasio telling Wolf Blitzer on CNN:

“This is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people the kinds of gatherings we’re used to, the parades, the fairs — we just can’t have that while we’re focusing on health right now."

Once again the stupidity of government control dictates and mockery of our freedoms is being demonstrated. You can only protest what they allow you to protest. You can't protest the forced lockdowns that put people out of work. You can't protests the social distancing that keep people apart. You can't protest the new mandates forcing people to wear masks that don't even work to do what they claim to do. You can't gather hundreds or thousands of people for any reason other than protesting in support of "black lives matter".

Last month I posted about a news station in San Francisco's Contra Costa County telling people about a so-called coronavirus facts not fear update on the stay-at-home orders. They openly stated that social outdoor gatherings of up to 12 people was allowed, but no more than 12. But they did allow protests of up to 100 people, but no more than 100. This is despite the fact that protests were occurring with several hundred, and even several thousand people being present.

If you don't obey social distancing, police will arrest you for not obeying social distancing while they put you in a cage with others that force you to not social distance. It totally makes sense. These measures are not about people's safety. The government's response is about control, controlling people, and seeing how far people will let themselves be controlled.

It's so absurd it's laughable, but also maddening. This pandemic is so deadly that we need to prevent people from gathering in large numbers, unless your numbers are so large that we support what you're gathering about, and then were going to let you do it. You can't challenge their lies and bullshit with protests, but you can protest other stuff. Freedom in a post COVID-1984/2020 world.


These senseless decisions are all over in every country. On Sunday night our president (South Africa) said our minibus taxi's that can take up to 15 people to be allowed to 100% capacity. They said if not allowed they will strike.
But we are still not allowed to see our families. As you say very maddening.
We have been in lockdown since end of March. Holiday letting is not allowed so I have no income.

Still not allowed to see your families? Wow... madness...

If I'm in a gathering of more than 12 people I'll make sure to have some protest signs in the trunk just in case... Ever heard of the PEOPLE'S UNITED FRONT AGAINST SLOT SCREWDRIVERS?

Yes, and we're in league with those other Radical Trade Groups; "Saws for Alls", and "When I have a hammer." And when we march, we fix and things in our wake rather than destroy.

No, never heard of that...

A great informational post highlighting the lies, deception and evil intended for all mankind.

It’s amazing the lies and deceit the globalist try to force on the public but thanks to many it’s not working that well anymore.

I guess protests aren't gatherings? Hmmm, strange.
Maybe only certain protests aren't gatherings and others are?
Yellow vests? Gathering! No way!
BLM? Protest! Allowed! Tear down some statues please!

You got, magically deciphering government propaganda.

Right from the onset there's been so many contradicting so called science fact about this while damn virus. First it was said not to bee so harmful and then they said it mutated and became lethal buts its just so ridiculous the infection rate versus the scare tactics from this Overwatch Government.

Indeed it is ridiculous ;)

Great piece by the way, I adore this community.

Never understood this. Gatherings are bad for Covid except if it's for a protest. At least stand by one single rule right?

It is a display of power by the left wing elitists, and they really don't care if they sacrifice tens of thousands of lives of their own supporters to make trump look bad by causing a second wave of covid19.

The lone protesting individual's judgment may be called into question, but they don't have any intent of harming others-and most never carried covid19 anyways. But the elitist that encouraged these protests, knowing x% of the population has it and will spread it,are nothing short of biological terrorists. By their own messages for one set of people, and approval of others, they demonstrate they knowingly and willingly knew what they did would kill. Especially when they were also reporting how deadly it was for people of color.

The Trump administration should look into how they might go about prosecuting the elitists for their terrorist attack that targeted Black Americans. The democratic party hasn't changed; they at the top levels are still the terrorist kkk organization opposed to Jews, Blacks, and Republicans.

Yes it would be a lot better if it was consistent, at least better for their propaganda. This is just funny and we get to easily poke holes at their nonsense.

All to keep us separated and in a state of fear... getting us programmed for agenda 21. Hopefully they will all be in Gitmo soon, assuming they are not already.

Who will be at gitmo?

Every one pulling the puppets strings to control us.

@abrahamcastro16 ves, corto, pero de calidad. E interesante a parte, no es una historia.

That's very difficult

So Mayor de Blasio allows protests up to 100, which really means protests are not limited in any fashion. But all other gatherings are limited to 12 or less. The churches in the city should start holding "protests" every Sunday.

I am wondering why this article got downvotes with a total of about $28 reduction in post rewards. Is there something very wrong in the article?