Is the Deception Cracking? White House 'Hot Mic', Rand Paul and Ex-ABC News Anchor Against Lockdown

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

More information is coming out about the fatality rate being lower. The infected rate is likely much higher than is reported, as not everyone can be tested. This reduced the death rate. There is also the fact of inflated death counts. Real death counts also reduce teh death rate.

Doctors are speaking up against the fear-hype, like Dr/Senator Scott Jenson and doctors in California who put out the data about the real situation of COVID-19.

Is the mainstream "official" narrative cracking? Is it beginning to crumble? The media seems to ignore much of the real data on the numbers and statistics of how COVID-19 is akin to the flu. But the numbers are there if one wants to look at them, s I did with USA lockdown vs. Sweden herd immunity.

There isn't much talk of numbers, but there are some prominent figures who want to end the lockdown and have recently spoken about it. This includes Senator Rand Paul and former ABS reporter Brit Hume.

They both make cases to end the lockdown, given how wrong the projections were that originally were used to justify the fear-hype panic and lockdown measures.

The White House 'hot mic' incident from last week was big for putting a crack in their bullshit too. h media tried to spin the incident as a joke or conspiray theory, anything but talk about the main content of the antibody study which suggests 30-80 times more people are infected, thus driving down dead rates.

Dr.Birx of the White House was even asked about the study and it's implication about lower death rates. She of course ignored the question and instead proceeded to talk about the risk and "safety" issue of everyone who is infected, an how there is a need for more surveillance of the population via testing.

I see some cracks, but they aren't that big. We need more to significantly put a hole into the deceptive wall that most people are stuck behind, living in a false reality.

I think more people need to be speaking up against the lockdown in the media in order for it to be called off. And especially using the real data to show it's akin to the flu to combat the false narrative based on the false models. We have real data now, we should be using it to correct the wrong course we are on with the lockdown, surveillance and loss of liberties.

  • Inflated C-19 deaths : 200,000 to 300,000 (mostly older persons who have lived long lives)
  • Resultant Self-inflicted Total Economic Destruction : millions dead (especially children)

Yup. I wonder how long this charade will go on... it seems like it will never be accepted as a sham by the majority.

Right now I'm hearing so much spin opposite of this.

Tonight someone was trying to convince me that the number of covid virus deaths being reported is likely much lower than the real death toll. In other words, they think the deaths rates are much higher. The reason she said is because when patients are coming in with need for emergency care, they are dropping dead so fast, there hasn't been sufficient time to administer a test on them to see if they test positive. And sometimes the tests come up negative multiple times on the same person, when they are really infected. And since you cannot test the deceased without the family allowing for an autopsy...

There is so much paranoia that erupts when anyone behaves against social distancing guidelines. Looks like a lot of people are going to be shunned for encouraging to return to normal in the early weeks when lockdown ends. Really hoping people do not become permanently self-inflicted with social derangement.


The reason she said is because when patients are coming in with need for emergency care, they are dropping dead so fast, there hasn't been sufficient time to administer a test on them to see if they test positive

They would classify that as a COVID death... she be ignorant ;)

Autopsies are done without family consent all the time. And they don't do autopsies at this time, they just slap COVID on deaths everywhere... lol.

Yes, the hatred, you "murderers"... people can't think rationally. If someone is afraid to go out, then stay the fuck inside. The rest of us who aren't brainwashed can go out and live our lives.