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RE: Who Deserves Trump?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Well that was Very Funny, and
Very, Very Sad...
Worse is...
I live in a place like the Video,
And it was not like that awhile ago,
That's how many were hiding in the closet, and yep...
They will only frustrate you to tears... You can't make any sense to them at all and...
(*What the Video didn't show...)
Get two of them together at the same time while Your discussing these things!
There is "No Way" to tell what will happen!
My neighbor across the street erected a cross with a trump 2020 flag at the top...
But I'll tell you something I just thought if a few days ago...
We "Should" all help him to get re-elected, because...
First, if he gets voted out (and probably will, since he didn't win the popular vote anyways...) these same people will cry he didn't get a chance to finish the job - and they will find someone even more obnoxious..
Second, this guy has messed up America pretty good. I haven't seen anything like this since 1968, 69...
Whoever willfully inherits this mess, and believe it or not it "is" much worse than Obama's, but maybe not worse than the Bush & Chaney gang,
Will be in a very bad "hair trigger" situation, not if their own making...
Bad situation...
And we must keep in mind...
Covid 19 is a sham to co we the economics crumble..
Sorry So Long!


Thanks so much @lesmann, for another great response :-) And never be sorry for making them "so long" ;-)

Well I try not to get too carried away..
Which is pretty easy to do!
Have an Awesome Mid-Week!