G7: Just Another Nervous Breakdown [eng/срп] Г7: Још један нервни слом

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Source / Извор: RT News

We live in a time of absurdity, because of which I have to open new lines of texts more often. Today we open a line of texts about psychopaths from the collective West…

The collective West has progressed from the stage of arrogant tomfoolery to the stage of pure psychopathy. Favorite definition of insanity ascribed to Albert Einstein reads: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

The clinical definition of insanity is much simpler: A person falls into psychosis the moment he stops appreciating reality. If this contempt for reality becomes dangerous for the environment, then psychosis ceases to be benign and becomes malignant. The collective West has unfortunately entered a malignant phase that can no longer pass without serious consequences to the whole World. Check out the following news:

G7 Agree Russian Oil Price Cap

G7 finance ministers have agreed to introduce a ceiling on oil prices from Russia according to Sky news, and plan to ban the transportation of Russian oil by sea if it is sold above the western-set price cap.

The exact level of the price cap is still under discussion, but as things stand the proposals don’t include a clamp down on gas.

Reports indicate that the plans will develop mechanisms for vulnerable countries to retain access to energy markets, including Russia’s.

Живимо у времену апсурда чешће морам да отварам нове линије текстова. Данас отварамо линију текстова о психопатама са колективног Запада…

Колективни Запад узнапредовао је из фазе арогантних будалетина до фазе чисте психопатије. Омиљена дефиниција лудила приписује се Алберту Ајнштајну и гласи „Дефиниција лудила је радити исту ствар изнова и изнова, и очекивати другачије резултате.

Клиничка дефиниција лудила много је једноставнија: Човек упада у психозу оног тренутка кад престане да уважава реалност. Уколико тај презир према реалности постане опасан по околину, онда психоза престаје да буде бенигна и постаје малигна. Колективни Запад је нажалост ушао у малигну фазу која више не може проћи без тешких последица по читав свет. Погледајте следећу вест:

Г7 усагласио ограничење цена руске нафте

Министри финансија Г7 сложили су се да уведу горњу границу цена нафте из Русије према Скај њуз-у и планирају да забране транспорт руске нафте морем ако је цена изнад границе коју је поставило Запад.

Тачан ниво горње цене се још увек расправља, али како ствари стоје, предлози не укључују смањење гаса.

Извештаји показују да ће планови развити механизме за рањиве земље да задрже приступ енергетским тржиштима, укључујући и руско.

How to comment on such a terrible level of mental disorder? The collective West (NATO & EU & G7) first imposes sanctions against Russia, and then complain that Russia does not suffer the consequences, but they do – just because they do not want to admit the reality that Russia is self-sufficient in every way, while the collective West is not.

They scream that they want to get rid of their dependence on Russian gas, and then get hysterical that Russia doesn't want to sell its gas for anything other than rubles.

In reality, the price of anything, especially energy products, is determined on the market by the manufacturer offering the price at which they will sell – but with this decision, they reject both the market and reality! Instead they threaten war.

The Russian answer came instantly. The Vice President of the Russian Government, Aleksandar Novak, said that Russian oil exporters are prohibited from selling it to such countries: “Countries that play with limiting the price of Russian oil will be completely without it.”

Како коментарисати овако стравичан степен растројства? Колективни Запад (НАТО & ЕУ & Г7) прво уводи санкције Русији, а онда цмиздри што Русија не трпи последице, него их трпе они сами – само због тога што не желе да признају реалност да је Русија самодовољна у сваком погледу, док колективни Запад није.

Они вриште како желе да се ослободе зависности од руског гаса, а онда хистеришу што Русија не жели да им гас продаје другачије него за рубље.

У реалности, цена било чега, поготову енергената одређује се на тржишту тако што произвођач нуди цену по којој ће продати – али они овом одлуком одбацују одбацују и тржиште и реалност! Уместо тога прете ратом.

Руски одговор стигао је тренутно. Потпредседник руске Владе Александар Новак рекао је да је руским извозницима нафте забрањено да је таквим државама продају: „Државе које се буду играле лимитирања цене руске нафте – остаће потпуно без ње.“

It is quite clear that the Russian Federation will not tolerate psychopaths. They will not suffer. Nations ruled by psychopaths will suffer. The question is – for how long?

Сасвим је јасно да Руска Федерација психопате неће трпети. Они неће страдати. Страдаће народи којима психопате владају. Питање је – докле?

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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"...Russia is self-sufficient in every way, while the collective West is not."

And, there it is: the solution to the derangement of our collective societies by psychopathic banksters and their traitorous minions they have infiltrated into our governments. Self sufficiency.

We create all the power, all the food, and all the water that is produced. The WEF don't make anything but trouble. Let us make the actual goods and services we need and keep them, and let the WEF keep the troubles it makes to itself.


On a personal level yes, it is a solution. But that implies that state should be reorganized out of hierarchy.

States are being used as tools by banksters that conjure money out of thin air and use that money to bribe and corrupt state officials. The WEF, the organization of banksters of the world, appoints certain states as enemies, such as Russia and Serbia, in their propaganda and then point to those enemies as the cause of the calamities the banksters themselves impose on their disinformed and hapless subjects in the West, and across the world.

While Serbian people are able to coordinate and unify within the boundaries of Serbia, dependence on the state for that purpose prevents their unification from expanding beyond the borders of Serbia, and in a global context Serbia is not powerful enough to prevent HATO from imposing violent war on the Serbian people.

It is an illusion that the state creates security because of this global context and the global reach of banksters that corrupt all states and set them against each the other like fighting dogs in a pit.

There is a much broader community of people opposed to the depradations faced by the Serbian people that dependence on the state prevents the Serbian people from joining, because that community is people in other states, and therefore cannot be part of the Serbian people if the Serbian people are only able to organize through their dependence on the Serbian state.

There are literally more people in the US that oppose the criminal depradations against Serbia than there are in Serbia. Because of the geographical boundary of the Serbian state limiting the reach of the information in the OP, the people outside of the state of Serbia remain nescient, as was I before you informed me of this issue.

The advent of decentralized means of production renders obsolete centralized means of production, not least because decentralization eliminates parasitic losses that are endemic to centralization, such as oligarch profits and taxation. While Hive, as you are well aware, is not the implementation of these new technological mechanisms that enables humanity to reorganize and eliminate states, it does incorporate technologies that can be implemented to do so.

I am incompetent to craft the functional platform that is nominal to enable Serbs, Americans, and people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds to organize and support their common purposes that will render legacy institutions irrelevant, but a decentralized blockchain is one aspect of that platform. Another is exemplified on Hive, and that is our ability to speak directly to one another, although the ability to flag that Hive presently afflicts that capability with is insuperable in a nominal platform. Automated translation is not a capability Hive implements presently, but the existence of such services shows that capability exists, and is something the nominal platform would feature. Certain other obvious and less obvious features are also necessary for such platform to succeed in enabling people of the world to organize together to effect their purposes, such as liquid democracy.

We observe that the corruption of states causes great harm to their subjects, and it is plainly obvious that this corruption extends to every state in the world. Even if a theoretical state existed that was not corrupted by that global institution of banksters, that single state is able to be targeted by the corrupted global network of states and could not prevail against them to protect it's citizens from predatory harm and violent war. That corruption is the primary strength of the WEF, being comprised of the most powerful financial corporations and oligarchs of the world (including Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and both Zelensky and Putin, which reveals the use of controlled opposition on multiple levels of population manipulation and control), and it is therefore necessary for people that are being oppressed by the banksters to have a means of organizing their production that is incorruptible by financial means.

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies, hundreds of social media platforms, and myriad NGOs, but none have been designed for this particular purpose, AFAIK. Clearly, we the people should work together to create and implement a platform for this purpose, so that the oppression being inflicted on the people of the world can be effectively prevented, and liberty, prosperity, and felicity of the organized peoples of the world can be effectively promoted.

Psychopathy? Here in the Confederation of Canuckistan we call it "bat shit crazy". ✌😎

Yes @novacadian, expert terminology can differ from region to region 😉😁

They hate thei people, clearly

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