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RE: Coronavirus: A Psychopath’s Dream

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I am sorry @krnel, I cannot agree. Your opinion is derived from the capitalist propaganda brainwash that is making oversimplified criteria: “capitalism good, socialism bad”. Philosophy is a science of searching for true criteria. And the true criteria is a relation between people regarding the means of production. It basically says that one cannot be one-percenter and a socialist. It’s a fallacy. What you see now is a capitalism brought to a deadly extreme. And that was very well predicted in the works of Karl Marx that too many people in the West does not want to read.


Right, that's why some 1 percenters have been pushing socialism for a hundred years. They don't exist because your flawed logic saws it can't... You can read None Dare Call It Conspiracy, or the book by the insider Caroll Quigley (Tragedy and Hope) to see the history of fomenting socialism by the 1 percenters as they manipulate world events. Then you will see how their actions speak for what they stand for, no matter how contradictory it may seem to you at the moment.

That book is contortion of terminology, philosophy and history. Let’s try like this: It is not Carol Quigley who can define capitalism or socialism. She is just an interpreter. Can you please define in two sentences capitalism and socialism?

Sorry, matey capitalism is the natural system of leveraging your assets for gain. All animals do it. It's not an economic model, but was hijacked to look like such.
(The contrived models socialism or communism are a example of human hubris meeting reality - reality wins).
As @krnel indicates - socialism has been with via the 1%, not in spite of them. They are the biggest supporters of it.

Sorry, matey capitalism is the natural system of leveraging your assets for gain. All animals do it. It's not an economic model, but was hijacked to look like such.

Sorry @lucylin, but you not only don’t understand what socialism and communism is, but you actually don’t want to understand. If you want to live like an animal, it’s OK – your choice.

So you are saying that you are not an animal.

Based on which facts?