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RE: Greatness From Equality

in Deep Dives4 years ago

This, in my opinion and that of many scholars, like Richard Wolff for example, is the reason why we've never been able to solve capitalism's intrinsic problems and contradictions. And like professor Wolff I believe that the best way to finally end the class divide is to simply do what Marx has proposed all along: give the means of production in the hands of those who do the producing, in the hands of the workers. Instead of corporations being ruled from the top down by a handful of top managers or a handful of share-holders, let them be ruled democratically by the workers.

Everything else is just a capitalist propaganda aimed to keep its inhumane, exploitative system.


True my friend... So true... Thanks, as always, for responding @lighteye :-)

You’re welcome, @zyx066. Keep up with these great texts.