Whistleblowers: Censorship is Stanford University project!

in Deep Dives3 years ago


If you ever wondered how is censorshiT possible in a democratic society, here’s the answer: It was an academic project!

Well, the project was successful, but the society is not democratic any longer. The details of the project you can today hear with Peter Lavelle and two whistleblowers: Zachary Vorhies (perpetualmaniac at Twitter) who has worked in Google and Ryan Hartwig who worked for Facebook. They are revealing the background of the Big Tech totalitarian system built in function of globalist NWO. Both men co-authored books with their experiences from the ‘belly of a beast’. Listen to their stories:

Total Control. Duration: 24:57

[01:37] Zach: Personal experience inside Google – From bad to worse
[03:08] Ryan: Content moderator in Facebook – Witness to censorship
[04:20] Zach: Censorship was developed in Stanford University!
[05:20] Ryan: Profits or ideological fanaticism?
[06:30] Zach: Power grab more valuable than the ability to make money
[07:25] Ryan: Censorship on a political matters and Section 230
[09:30] Zach: Hidden stories in tyranny and election meddling. Google’s blacklists and pushing NWO agenda to the whole World
[11:15] Ryan: Politicians in the pocket of Big Tech
[12:30] Zach: Playing God
[13:15] Ryan: Groupthinking and ban hammer
[14:10] Zach: Psychopathic zone – People without breaks
[17:00] Ryan: Digital Iron Curtain and circle of buddies
[19:30] Zach: Aggregation beats CensorshiT
[21:42] Peter: I do the work, they take all the money
[22:00] Ryan: Solutions? Facebook is acting like a Government Agency!
[23:40] Zach: Problem with a Big Tech as a state actor, and above the Law

Ryan Hartwig co-authored with Kent Heckenlively a book under the title Behind the Mask of Facebook: A Whistleblower’s Shocking Story of Big Tech Bias and Censorship.

“Ryan Hartwig and Kent Heckenlively have teamed up to provide an amazing behind-the-scenes picture of how Facebook uses its position in the Big Tech world to control the information and searches for news stories around the world. They portray themselves as being so ‘friendly and helpful’ to the masses, while working behind the scenes to control and manipulate their favored liberal agendas. A life-changing page burner that marches against tyranny.”
— Max Swafford, author, educator, editor

Zach Vorhies co-authored with Kent Heckenlively a book Google Leaks: A Whistleblower's Expose of Big Tech Censorship and here is the short excerpt from the review:

The madness of Google’s attempt to mold our reality into a version dictated by their corporate values has never been portrayed better than in this chilling account by Google whistleblower, Zach Vorhies. As a senior engineer at Zach watched in horror from the inside as the 2016 election of Donald Trump drove Google into a frenzy of censorship and political manipulation. The American ideal of an honest, hard-fought battle of ideas – when the contest is over, shaking hands and working together to solve problems – was replaced by a different, darker ethic alien to this country's history as wave after of censorship destroyed free speech and entire market sectors.

His most interesting thesis is that aggregation can beat censorshiT. He even mentioned at 19:30 mark a new, uncensorable platform that he has called ‘A Drudge Report for video’, and promised it will be launched on August 3rd. I did not manage to find it, so if anyone has the information on this platform, please send it in the comments.

In a ‘normal’ world, those books would be enough evidence for the prosecution at any real Court. Unfortunately, we will have to fight again for the normal, hopefully decentralized world, and we will have to create a new judiciary system which will prosecute psychopaths who destroyed the old world.

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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In a ‘normal’ world, those books would be enough evidence for the prosecution at any real Court. Unfortunately, we will have to fight again for the normal, hopefully decentralized world, and we will have to create a new judiciary system which will prosecute psychopaths who destroyed the old world.

This is good start in search of the reforms in Justice system, thank you very much, @logiczombie.

Yeah. Some big strings are being pulled.

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