The Latin American Report # 251

in Deep Dives4 months ago (edited)

Mexican political scene remains red hot

Two months after regrettable incidents at the Presidential Palace, nearly 30 police officers were injured there after students from the Normal School of Ayotzinapa threw explosive devices, in protest against the release of military officers allegedly linked to the 43 students from the same school who disappeared back to 2014 in Iguala. The sacrosanct and vaunted independence of the judiciary often ends up being a vehicle for explicit lawfare or for making arbitrary and inconsistent decisions, such as this one. Since this issue generates such a high level of social conflict, that reactivates the pain of such deep wounds, how can the judiciary allow military personnel allegedly related to the events to continue the process in liberty?

Now, it is symptomatic that protesters point the finger at the Executive in the face of a judicial decision. If the problem is the lack of a definitive response to what happened in the state of Guerrero more than nine years ago, of course, the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador is responsible for it. There are allegations that the leader of MORENA allied himself with the Army to torpedo the search for the truth. But the judiciary should be complained to or at least firecrackers should be thrown at its offices for the latest developments. I remember once again that four years passed between the disappearance of the future teachers and the end of Enrique Peña Nieto's term, when the trail of smoke or blood was fresher. I think that relatives and students kept too much anger for those who had nothing to do with that shameful page of Mexican contemporary history.

🔴 Normalistas lanzan cohetones a Palacio Nacional, tras liberación de 8 militares relacionados en Caso Ayotzinapa

VIDEO: Especial

— El Universal (@El_Universal_Mx) May 13, 2024

Paraguayan authorities continue to pursue marijuana production

In about ten days, Paraguay's National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Senad in Spanish) seized more than 145 tons of marijuana ready for consumption in the Caazapá National Park. As part of two raids in the area, more than 50 “drug camps” were destroyed and some 110 hectares of marijuana crops were eradicated. According to the estimates of the authorities, about 480 tons of cannabis were taken out of circulation, which “represents a loss of profits for the financiers of drug trafficking of about 14 million dollars”. In a “rare” but repeating dynamic, no arrests were reported. In recent years, extensive areas have been deforested to expand illicit crops in the Caazapá National Park. The latter is part of the Paranaense Forest, which in turn is one of the ecosystems that make up the biome known as the Atlantic Forest, which is distributed between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay.


Javier Milei: the last chapter of the culture war

The government of La Libertad Avanza investigates several social organizations for having coerced their members to participate in marches and other calls on pain of losing certain social plans. The Argentinean Executive has a tense relationship with different unions due to a tense fiscal adjustment, and has tried to strike or reduce its impact on certain social programs. The federal prosecutor in charge of the case ordered about 30 raids, with a similar number of union leaders and social activists charged for allegedly demanding “coercively from the beneficiaries of social plans their participation in marches and public demonstrations and/or the delivery of a portion of the money [...], making a total of 924 cases”. The social organizations accused are rejecting this attack by the government. Now, if the above is confirmed, we would have evidence that Kirchnerism and its acolytes used the vulnerability of those who have the least to their advantage. The question that remains is: what strategy do Javier Milei and the IMF have for them?


Floods in Concordia, Argentina, as a consequence of the Uruguay River flooding and heavy rains in the south of Brazil.


And this is all for our report today. I have referenced the sources dynamically in the text, and remember you can learn how and where to follow the LATAM trail news by reading my work here. Have a nice day.

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The Atlantic forest is rare and exquisite. It's degradation by criminal growers is only happening because of prohibition. No one grows beans or cotton, corn or tomatoes in Caazapa Park. It makes me very sad that people love liberty so little that they are willing to destroy unique ecosystems for money and power.

As to Milei, I understood his strategy when he doubled his salary.
