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RE: Police Myths

in Deep Dives2 years ago

"it's no surprise that the fatality rates have gone up"

Your own source says differently:

"The organization says the decrease is almost entirely due to a reduction in COVID-19 deaths but the virus continues to be the biggest killer of law enforcement in 2022, with 54 officers losing their lives because of it, compared to 98 at the same time last year.

"It should be common knowledge by now that Republican voters, and especially Trump supporters, are much more likely to be killed by the virus. The reason why also needs no explanation."

Too easy ... where is the proof?


Hi there @markush, thanks for responding :-)

The source was to show that covid-19 remains the largest killer of police. Furthermore, it compares fatality rates with the year before, 2021, while I said the numbers have gone up since 2020, the year of publication of the 25 most dangerous jobs in America. I must admit though that I haven't done any rigorous research with regards to the gap in covid-19 deaths between Republicans and Democrats; this should be common knowledge by now. So I'm quite baffled you asking me, or anyone else for that matter, to prove that. "For red and blue America, a glaring divide in COVID-19 death rates persists 2 years later" "Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls" "Republican US counties saw more COVID-19 deaths" Just some random headlines from this year. Not that anyone needs proof though, right? I mean I assume everyone is aware of the ideological chasm between reds and blues with regards to masks, vaccinations, lockdowns and the likes... I fear that if you still have to ask for proof, no amount of proof will ever be enough.
