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RE: Hypocrisy as a Prelude to a Hot War

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

The official narrative sucks so badly, you would think they would offer some of us to write the lies for them, I could with their resources write most all of the fictional mainstream narratives for public release that would keep people asleep for years to come, these fucking idiots have such a shitty grasp on reality that nothing they release makes sense to the people anymore, the elephant in the room because it's divisional is that these narrative writers in power are long past due on retirement they have a generational . grip on power that excludes younger Tyrants crafting better narratives and giving people at least the illusion experienced back when the American Dream was enough to keep you to busy to give a fuck what Washington DC and Wallstreet were up to. Everything we read for the next 4 years is Fictional Orwell written by people who are fucking clueless, it takes the emperor has no clothes analogy to new heights.